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Is God First in Your Life?

And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. Matthew 22:37 (ESV)

If you were asked the question, is God first in your life, what would be your response? In all honesty, can we say that God is always first in our lives? It sounds good to say yes-absolutely, God is always first in my life. But in truth, is that really an accurate statement? I know for a fact I strive every day to try and have God always be first in my life. Does this always occur? There are times I’m sorry to say no, it does not. Should He always be? Absolutely!

To clarify the phrase, “first in our lives”, we need to understand what this means. It means every day, in every situation, interaction, and thought we have, whether big or small, we are constantly seeking to put God first. Now that may seem hard to do for human beings that are carnal in nature however, it is not impossible. I’m not saying most of us do not place God as the ultimate authority of our lives. But what I am saying, is that on a constant basis, we all at times will fall short. However, despite our human shortcomings, we still should daily strive to put God and His teachings, first in all areas of our lives.

This would mean in our everyday life of work, relationship interactions, church work, social functions, finances, our dietary needs, and the list can go on and on. Basically, in all areas of our lives, we should diligently strive to put God and His teachings first and, abide by His word.

In Galatians 5:24 Paul states we need to die to fleshly lusts and desires that are from the world, and contrary to God. We need to seek to have our worldly desires be subject to God’s will and purpose for our lives. As humans, we need to resist our sinful nature, in order to listen and be attentive to God’s voice and direction. If we all allowed God to live through us, guiding our interactions and behaviors, what a different world this would be.

I encourage us all to daily seek God’s teachings, to be utmost in our daily thoughts and interactions. I pray we all have the will to be true to God’s word, despite what others and the world may say in contradiction. I pray we all stand firm and not be swayed. Let us strive to have God first in our lives, now and always.



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