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Kind Words

Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body. Proverbs 16:24 (ESV)

Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience… Colossians 3:12 (ESV)

While I was recently jogging, I passed by neighbors who lived in my subdivision that I personally did not know. Some would smile and say “Good Morning” while others looked away or crossed to the other side of the street. Long ago I used to have ideas about them like: “Oh they’re probably not friendly or, I’m not going to speak to them unless they speak to me”. So as a result, I too would run/walk by, or turn away and not say a word.  However, as I grew in my Christian walk, I realized what it means to be God’s light in this world. What it means to be His mouth, His hands, and His feet.  I have decided that regardless of what others may or may not say back to me, God is calling me to be His light in this sometimes dark world. He is calling me to be His witness to everyone that comes across my path in life. 

Recently I had a discussion with family and friends, about how they felt when people did not treat them with kindness or were cold and rude. They too shared how they wanted to (and at times they did) acted rude and uncaring in return. They felt their actions would be justified based on how they were treated. When the question was posed, “How do you think God would want us to behave”? We all agreed He would want us to treat others with kind words and actions, despite their behavior toward us.

We all must realize God is not expecting us to only give kind greetings to those who would do the same toward us.  Now, depending on how we were treated, it may be hard at times to respond with kindness. But one thing we all need to consider is this: we really do not know what is going on with others at the time we encounter them.  They could be shouldering a heavy burden and at that moment, do not know how to unpack or deal with their situation.  So, instead of jumping to our own conclusions, we can just continue to treat them with love and kindness, as well as say a prayer for them. We may never know what positive impact our kind words and actions, can have on their lives.

God calls us all to be His witnesses of light and love in the world; by speaking words of affirmation, and showing kindness to everyone we encounter. So, remember today and always, to share a kind word with everyone we meet. Whether or not they respond in the same manner, we are called to be God’s representatives in this dying world.



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