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Loving God’s People

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4:7-8 (ESV)

With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, Ephesians 4:2 (ESV)

Have you read articles or heard the following: “You have to learn to love people where they’re at, not where you want them to be? “This is a very true and powerful thought.  If many of us truly internalize and learn this concept, we could save ourselves and others, a lot of unnecessary pain and grief.

So many times, some of us get caught up in thinking we can control others with our words and/or actions.  And then, we become upset when they don’t respond or behave, the way we think they should. What we sometimes fail to realize, people will do what they want to do. And they will behave and make choices based on their core characteristics.

I do want to point out, in seeking to love God’s people, I am not advocating to allow yourself to stay in a toxic situation or relationship. As stated earlier, you cannot change anyone, they are who they are. Because of this, depending on the situation or the individual, you may have to “love” them, from a distance. Meaning, do not allow yourself to be abused and trodden on. All of us are called to be God’s sons and daughters and to treat every human being, with Godly love and kindness. But, in loving God’s people, you need to also make sure you love yourself. Always seek to form healthy attachments and, protect yourself and your loved ones, from any harm and toxicity.

Before you can reach out and give agape love to others, you really need to have a close relationship with God and, have a true understanding and knowledge of yourself. Oftentimes when we’re still unsure of God and who we are, we project or look to others to fill us up. When one truly understands God and why He created you, then you can begin to understand/love other individuals and accept them for who they are. You will not look to change anyone or, to help them mature. Unless you are a parent, it’s truly not your job to help another person “grow up” and mature. Even as parents, after a while, we do not have control over the choices our adult children make.

We must learn to love and pray for the best for everyone, whether it be family, friends, or whomever. As we seek to accept and love others where they are, we at times may need to step back and let them grow and mature, as they continue their life’s journey.

Be a person that loves and cares for God’s people as they are, by using Godly discernment and wisdom. And always remember, it is never our job, to change them.



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