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Managing Stress!

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 (ESV)

For me, this past week was extremely stressful. So much so it began to manifest itself in physical ways in my body. I distinctly remember the slow but steady tightening of my jaw on the left side of my face. From time to time most of us have all been under extreme stress, and we felt it emotionally, mentally, or physically. I like to share if this is happening or has happened to you or a loved one, I encourage everyone to not try to “toughen up” and stay in a stressful situation. Please step away and engage in a de-stressing activity.

I am sure many people who stayed in the stressful situation ended up having strokes, heart attacks, or some other form of health issues, related to ongoing stress. Various medical articles state that stress over a period of time is usually the underlying cause of many current diseases and injuries.

Just like a construction worker knows how much stress a building can take in certain areas, we too need to realize our body can only take so much stress as well. And as a builder reinforces weaker stress areas of a building so that it will not destabilize, we too need to do what we can to minimize our stress and, have de-stressor activities ready for us to engage in.

As for me, I logged off my computer, pushed away from my desk, and left my office. I had a nice dinner and actually watched a couple of funny game shows as my choice for de-stressing. Within an hour after stepping away, the tightness left, and I felt like myself again.

Let this be a wake-up call for anyone to not try and “tough it out” when you feel the physical manifestations of stress. We are all human and at times we may be given a warning as it did for me. My prayer for you is that you will have ideas of what you will do, or look to do continually, in order to avoid stress in your life.

Below are just some helpful de-stressor suggestions…

Laughter-watch a funny video clip, game show or movie.

Play with a pet –if you have a pet, playing with them or cuddling them can be very soothing or relaxing. For those who do not have pets, you may enjoy watching a funny animal video, instead.

Engage in focused breathing and/or progressive muscle relaxation

Take a walk, do yoga, stretching or other forms of exercise

Hug a loved one

Light a candle or have aromatherapy diffusers

Turn to a favorite hobby

Go to a quiet place and read and/or write in a journal

Make sure to eat a balanced diet

Daily express gratitude to God for what He has already provided.

As you journey through your life and encounter stress, pray to God to help you cope, and trust and believe that He will. Look to incorporate the de-stressors mentioned above or some not listed here. The ultimate prayer for all is that you manage your stress!!



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