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New Year/New Outlook For 2021 & Beyond

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17 (ESV)

In the coming new year, most will be looking for a new or improved outlook/direction for their lives in 2021 & beyond.

With a new year about to begin, it often feels as if we can look to make a fresh start in life. We seek to put away bad habits and establish new routines. We do this hoping to grow psychologically, emotionally, socially, physically, and intellectually.

In wanting to make these new year changes, a lot of us start out strong but by mid-January to February, we have all but given up.

So, I would like to share a few tips, that will perhaps encourage us to stick to the goal of making these positive changes, as we press on towards a better quality of life.

  1. First, have a connection with God and look to determine if what you are looking to change, is in His will. Look to His Holy Word and what it says. Then set out to make a list (not a long one, we’ll explain why later) of positive life changes.

  2. Next, be realistic in your goal setting. Do not try to take on everything all at once in the new year. Some changes, in order for them to become a part of your life and permanent, do take time.

  3. On the same thought of being realistic is to be specific. For instance, if it is to lose weight, do a little work beforehand. Begin by looking at your age and what weight should be reasonable and attainable. Make sure you speak to your healthcare provider about your goals. Ask yourself, how much exercising can you do with your current schedule? Can you take walks throughout the week if you cannot go or get to, the gym? How many calories are you consuming now and how many should you be, to lose weight? Are you looking at the types of foods you’re eating now and willing to slowly make healthier choices?

  4. Now you see I said “slowly” about food choices. But it also applies to the exercise portion as well. We all want to hurry the process and think by doing so, we’ll have the body we want in a month. For most, that is just not reality. It takes time to lose weight in a healthy, and permanent manner. You do not want to do a drastic exercise or diet program (unless under medical orders), as this more often than not, will likely backfire. You will burn yourself out, get discouraged, and then look to quit.

  5. Pick one to perhaps three resolutions to work on. You do not want to make a long list, as this will make it a daunting task, even before you begin!! Be concise in what you are wanting to achieve and give yourself time. Again, do not try to rush to get fast results.

  6. In being concise, really think and pray about your resolutions. Do not just rush to pick any goal. If you do this, chances are high that you will not stick to it.

  7. And when you achieve a goal, even if it is small, be proud and encouraged!! But do not stop, keep going!!

  8. It is okay to change or tweak your goals as needed along the way. Do not think you have to stay with the same goal if it is not meeting your objectives.

  9. Look to avoid repeating past failures. One way of doing this is by implementing some of the steps we have already gone over.

  10. If possible, look to get support from your friends and family. They can prove to be a positive influence to help you reach your full potential.

  11. In closing, there will be stumbles and/or roadblocks along the way. Do not let that stop you! Keep going!! Know that you can do this!! With God by your side, you can achieve the goals He has purposed for your life.



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