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Writer's picture21stcglmediateam

Now We Believe?

So Jesus said to him, “Unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe.” John 4:48 (ESV)

I recently read the story of the widow whose son was brought back to life by Elijah the Prophet, in 1st Kings 17: 23-24. What came to me was what she told Elijah after he gave her back her son. She told him, now she believes he is a man of God. When you stop to ponder her comment, it would also seem, what she was saying is that now, she believes in God and His power, as well.

Here is a question for us all. What has to happen in our lives, for us to believe God exists? Do we have to have huge miraculous signs and wonders, performed before our eyes? Or will we believe by just beholding God’s creation: birds in the sky, the air we breathe, waking up each day, the sun/daylight, and the moon/stars at night? Will the thought of various forms of creation coming to life on this earth, be enough for us to realize He exists?

Do you ever find it strange that as humans, we ask God to perform supernatural works and acts for us to believe in Him? Yet in our various relationships with people, flawed and sinful as we all are, we don’t require them to perform great signs of wonder, in order for us to believe and trust in them. Sometimes we don’t require very much from people at all before we begin to open up and totally believe and trust in them.

But with God, at times we feel He has to do something spectacular in order for us to follow and trust Him. God, the ultimate Creator of the universe and of every living creature, we still require Him to “prove” Himself, time and time again. Requesting God to pass various tests and fulfill high expectations that we would not dare require from another human being.

I pray that we all take a moment out of our busy lives and appreciate God by really taking a good look around. Start by looking in the mirror and thanking Him for the marvelous creation of you. Then look around you with childlike wonder and admiration, at other people and all of His creation. Believe and know that He does not have to “prove” to any of us that He is real, and that He exists! Just believe that He does!



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