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Our Crazy World

Though an army encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; though war arise against me, yet I will be confident.

One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple. For he will hide me in his shelter in the day of trouble; he will conceal me under the cover of his tent…

Psalm 27:3-5

When King David faced hardship after hardship, instead of questioning God, he wrote and sang psalms (like the one in the verses of today) in order to lift up, praise, and extol God’s goodness.

We live in a world that can be very crazy and hard to navigate at times. A world where many are in agreement with the sinful ideals, that are so prevalent in our society. And for those who stand for God’s principles, they are perhaps laughed at or shamed, to the point where they just remain silent. For some, in order to get along and/or to fit in, they find themselves going along with these wrong ideas, in order to not be singled out and ridiculed.

Godly standards are being questioned in all areas: financial, health, relationships, and many more. Problems will come up from time to time and when they do, some will be tempted to obtain worldly advice as opposed to looking to God and/or Godly people. It is so true what the Bible says in the first part of Isaiah 5:20…” Woe to those who call evil good and good evil…”. We are living in a time where Godly advice and sound doctrine are not upheld by worldly standards. When one reads current headlines and watches various media outlets, one can see the alternative vices and thought processes people call “normal and good”. Looking at a society that does not uphold good and morally correct ideals, highlights how imperative it is, to have a Godly center and focus on our lives.

The majority of worldly and popular ideals will pull us away from God and will tease us about how “fun and free” you can be by doing what you want, and whatever makes you “feel good”. However, it will always be surface/in the moment fun, and short-lived. It will ultimately lead to a dark future full of anguish and pain.

It is not enough to just read the Bible and go to church. We should also seek to surround ourselves with good Christian music, Bible-centered teaching/preaching, books, seminars, etc. Filling yourself up with these things, will keep you Godly centered and focused. They will help to equip you to handle this sin-enticing world.

We all will have to come to a point where we must ask ourselves, am I living to please people/society and their customs? Or am I living to please God? Do I want my life to reflect Godly principles and characteristics? Or do I want to go with the fickle whims of the world, that are constantly moving the moral marker of life?

Let us all seek to choose the light of God, over the darkness, and wrong ideas of this world.



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