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Our Fears

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11 (ESV)

“Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7 (ESV)

There is so much going on in our world right now, it is hard not to be anxious and fearful of what will happen tomorrow or thereafter. With what we are seeing going on in the world at large, in our country, in our communities, and even within our own families. However, God does not want us to have a spirit of fear. So, how does one live in the present and enjoy today, despite all that is going on around us? How are we to live in this world, and to have some sense of sanity, safety, and confidence about the future; when it seems everything around appears to be crumbling?

I, by no means, have all the answers, but what I have learned I will share. In order to effectively combat feelings of fear and anxiousness, a person really needs to lock their life in Jesus Christ. To read God’s word, and to actually follow His precepts. That may sound simple, but in this world, which is very contrary to His precepts, it can be challenging. There will be various people you come in contact with, (even within families) that will give you worldly advice, that is contrary to what God says. However, in listening and choosing to go against God’s word, most people in life never find true happiness and peace; especially when the “storms of life” come.

In a prior post, I shared about a painter’s idea of what peace looks like. He painted a little bird sleeping, tucked away in the crevice of a rock when all around was a dark fierce storm. We like that little bird need to be sure and confident in God. That despite all the craziness that is going on, we can rest and be at peace that God will handle and calm the “storms” of our lives.

I encourage you to continuously seek God through the study of the bible and prayer. To allow the bible, to be your guide to life. Will you always know the answers to life’s questions after reading/studying the bible? No. Not always. But when you allow your faith and trust in God to flourish, you will be just like the little bird asleep, in the midst of the violent storm.


Angélique ~

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