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Plans, Plans, Plans!!

It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” Deuteronomy 31:8 (ESV)

Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established. Proverbs 16:3 (ESV)

We all make them. Big plans, medium size plans, and small ones. We make plans on where we’ll go to college, if we want to go to college or join the workforce right after graduating high school. We make plans to date, who we’ll date, whether to marry, to have kids, various financial decisions, where to live and the list can go on and on. Here is the question…do you place your plans before God and seek out His blessing? Or, do you forge ahead with your thoughts and ideas without ever once thinking to ask God for His blessing?

In this fast-paced world we live in, it’s easy to just forge ahead with our life plans without asking God for His guidance and blessing. And all of us are guilty of this from time to time. However, I would like issue a challenge that as we move forward in life, we’ll begin to ask God what He would have us do with the plans we’ve made. May we begin to ask Him to be involved in blessing and directing our plans, our thoughts and our actions, as we move forward with our lives.

One may then ask, how exactly do we go about doing this? Many people have said they do not hear God’s voice audibly, telling them to do this or that. Some will not hear His voice audibly however, there are those of us who have heard it but not always. But if one prays and asks God to bless the plans, thoughts and their actions, doors and opportunities will open up that were before impossible; if it’s within His will. You will know God is blessing when you feel and believe the path you are on is ordained and sanctified by God. However, we all must remember that these plans and ideas we form, cannot be contrary to His word and precepts. Therefore, do not ask God to bless plans that you know are illegal or immoral.

Let us remember that every detail of our future is already known to God. As the verse above says, “It is the Lord who goes before you..”. So, make your plans, map out your strategy, and then commit it all to God. And with faith, confidence, and belief it is within His will, God having gone before you, will prepare the way.



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