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Put Your Trust in God!!

“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.” Jeremiah 17:7-8 (ESV)

There are many times in life when we become caught up in this world. We put God to the side, sometimes unintentionally, and put our trust and faith in our spouses, our kids, our jobs, our possessions, or even our positions in society.

Take for instance people-pleasing. Some of us from time to time, have made choices and decisions, in order to please individuals. And in the end, this does not satisfy us nor them. Just like in Jeremiah’s time as well as ours, people are trusting in the world around them as opposed to trusting in God the Father.

In so doing, they are not moving forward in spiritual as well as mental strength and wholeness as they should. They are seeking to put trust in this temporary and unstable world, as opposed to an unchanging and unmovable God. Oh, how many times have we all fallen into this category? Where we feel our life experiences, and that of our family and friends, will bring us through various trials? We look to trust in things and people of this world, as opposed to trusting and believing that God is the center of life. I believe we all can say from time to time, we did not have the trust and faith that we should have had, in God.

I encourage us all to really seek God through prayer and the study of His word. Begin making a choice to trust in Him, even if you are still unsure. Begin believing that God will make things right eventually, in this world.

We must keep in mind this world is dying. Whether it is loved ones we have lost, plants, animals, financial systems, ecosystems, etc. Everything is decaying and it will not sustain forever. And when we place all our trust in this world and/or its people, and things do not turn out as we had hoped, our worlds seem to come crashing down.

Instead, look to put your total and complete faith/trust in God, and Him only. Of course, still seek to participate in your life and the lives of those around you. Look to continue to do your part to make this world a better place. Just do not put your trust in this world or people, as opposed to God.

And remember from time to time in life, things may not go the way we expect. But God has a bigger picture and plan for us all. He sits high and looks low. He sees different areas in our lives and the lives of those around us that we can never see, nor understand. Despite any of the ups and downs of life, put your total and complete trust in God, always.

Where are you putting your complete trust?



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