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Racism, Extremism & God’s Tears

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. John 13:34 (ESV)

The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:31 (ESV)

The series of shooting events in the United States and other racially charged incidents that have occurred must have God crying over the behavior of His children. Shooting someone who’s ringing the doorbell, someone turning around in a driveway, killing someone asleep in their bed, harming a person who’s walking home with a hoodie on their head, killing someone who is jogging, and many other instances, is absolutely, positively, ludicrous!!

People’s prejudice and biases are running rampant in the social construct of our current time in Earth’s history. Of course, it is not new to our country or the world but, it is tiring and getting old.

It causes one to think and ask the question, “Haven’t we moved beyond these toxic ideals/thoughts that one race is better than another, due to the lighter pigmentation of skin tone?” It’s really disturbing and shocking to realize people are being radicalized by listening to and/or watching various people and media pundits, who are putting out sick/toxic extremism, and racially charged narratives. Individuals are allowing this toxicity to infiltrate their mindset and their thinking, and then looking to act out against someone different from their class or group.

I’ve written a couple of blogs a while back titled God‘s Kids that touched on this topic. God made each and every one of us with different shapes, hair/eye colors, as well as skin colors. As the Father of all creation, He has the right to color this world, as He wishes. When we look around at all of creation, we don’t see only one type of plant, animal, flower, etc. We see an array of various created species, all over the world. So, with other non-human creations that God made, why can’t people accept the concept that He too can have variety as it relates to His human children?

It baffles me how people can feed on and allow false/toxic narratives to permeate their minds and in turn cause their irrational thought patterns and behaviors. They falsely believe lies about others and their superiority because they happen to belong to a particular racial group and/or religious class. However, we all must understand and get this in our minds, no one race or group of people is superior to another. All of us are fallen, sinful human beings, who need salvation. And that salvation has come to our world through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. No one who has lived, is living or who will live in the future is perfect except for Jesus. No one else can boast that they are perfect and have it all. Every person will have ups and downs in life and we all will have areas in our lives, that we need to work on by God’s grace.

As we look to God and His holy precepts, may we allow His ways to infiltrate our minds and our hearts. May we pray constantly and work on our attitudes and our actions and behaviors toward our fellow human beings, so that we will not behave in a manner that will bring harm to ourselves or others.



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