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Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21 (ESV)

Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” Romans 12:19 (ESV)

Have you ever been betrayed and wanted revenge on the person who hurt you? You would begin plotting/planning, how you were going to go about exacting your revenge. As human beings, we all in varying degrees have probably felt this way. And truth be told, there are those who carried out their plans.

In reading the verse for today we can intellectually understand and agree that vengeance is the Lord’s. However emotionally, we feel as if we want to be the ones exacting revenge and we want it to be swift. We also think if we were able to get revenge, it will heal all our pain. However, this rarely happens, and the hurt and pain would usually still exist.

What we need to realize, by taking on revenge, one can easily turn into that person you despise. When seeking revenge, you will likely have to turn into a manipulative, dark, and perhaps evil person to exact the revenge you feel you’re owed. When you take on this role, you are not healing instead, you are keeping the pain, the hurt, and the wounds, fresh and open.

One should not seek to focus their time on trying to get even. In doing this a person is investing a lot of their precious life force and energy, trying to get back at someone who hurt them. Instead, that time can be better used to promote one’s growth and healing due to the situation. By seeking help and restoration for your life, you are placing your needs first, such as your goals and priorities, as opposed to wasting precious time trying to get back at those who caused you pain and grief.

As human beings, we all have wronged God by going against the principles He set forth for mankind. Every person on this planet has wronged Him and done things contrary to His will. But God does not take it out on us or exact revenge for our destructive behaviors. He still loves us and tries to bring us back to Him and seeks to guide us in our life’s path.

So, when you want to seek revenge on someone, realize they are a son and daughter of God, and that He is their Creator, their Parent. Let Him deal with His wayward kids as He sees fit. As for us, may we overcome evil actions/thoughts with good works/deeds. May we allow God to work on our minds and hearts, to help us become who He created us to be.



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