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Writer's picture21stcglmediateam

Seasons of Letting Go

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: Ecclesiastes 3:1 (ESV)

Have you ever stopped to think that life is made up of seasons of letting go? When you’re a toddler, you look to being a school-age child that rides the bus and hangs out with friends. But to move from the season of being a toddler to starting school, you must let go of that part of your life and move forward. Then from school days, which can be up to high school and even college, you cannot wait to be an adult out in the world and fully on your own. Then, to move from school days, one must let go and turn to fully embrace the adult world, which usually includes working, starting a family, etc.

Every season becomes more challenging and harder as you grow. And again, in order to move to the next season of life, a person is required to let go of the current season and look to the season of life ahead. In this new period of life, to fully engage and live life to the fullest, we need to be present and embrace our current stage of life, with the ultimate goal of obtaining peace for where we are at that moment in time.

Now we all can plan for our future, our next chapter/season of life however until we arrive at that future destination, you will not have it all together nor know precisely how you’re going to feel emotionally and physically. For example, an individual work most of their adult life looking forward to retirement. They will make plans on what they would like to do but until they enter that phase of life, they really have no idea what will happen, until they begin that season. They will have let go of the past adult-work life season and begin to learn/embrace the retirement phase. And once they get to the retirement season of life, even with all the prior planning, they still have to trust God as they look to navigate and embrace this new life chapter.

So, may we seek to understand, enjoy, and embrace, whatever season we are currently in. May we not rush through the process of learning and growing trying to get to the arrival or endpoint of that season, eager to start the next. I’m not suggesting we don’t plan for the future but, I am suggesting we don’t look to hurry our current season for the next. That we don’t begin thinking once we get to that next phase of life, that time period will be the pinnacle or the ultimate destination. Because if we do this, we will soon find out we are not at the pinnacle of that new chapter, we are just beginning. And at the beginning of each new season, we are adjusting and learning how to navigate this new phase of our life’s journey.

I pray we continue our life seasons by beginning, flourishing within them, letting go, and moving on to the next with joyful and eager anticipation. May we always seek to have God ever present throughout all our seasons of life.



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