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Seasons Of Life -Valley Low

At the roots of the mountains. I went down to the land whose bars closed upon me forever; yet you brought up my life from the pit, O Lord my God. Jonah 2:6 (ESV)

He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with him. Daniel 2:22 (ESV).

During our life’s journey, we all will experience times spent in the valleys of life. The valley low periods are usually characterized as very painful and dark moments of time. During this time, one may experience a host of negative emotions that can weigh you down mentally, emotionally, spiritually, as well as physically. While in the valley low season, it is sometimes hard to see a clear path out of the darkness and pain. Many may tell you to “hang in there” or “this time will not always last” however, while you are in the midst of your low period, these caring encouragements at times, may seem empty and hallow.

Today for Christians, is Good Friday. It is remembered and honored as the day Jesus Christ was crucified. The day He offered Himself up as a sacrifice for the sins of all mankind. Jesus suffered unbelievable cruelty prior to His crucifixion and experienced a very painful and dark time while praying in the garden of Gethsemane. Jesus prayed to God the Father, pleading to not have to go through what was to come. He was in a low valley moment, gripped with sorrow, loneliness, and great pain. Yet despite this dark period, He kept moving forward with faith in God’s plan.

When we go through dark and painful times in life, we too need to hold on and have complete trust and active faith in God, despite the current situation. Having active faith is believing in a better outcome, even if you cannot feel or see it in the present. It is intellectually choosing to believe and trust God to make a way, out of the darkness into His glorious light.

While in a valley low period of life, seek to take positive action/steps, in order to begin healing. Don’t just wallow and wait for God to do all the work. Instead, He calls us to actively participate in finding the healthy healing and comfort, we will need during that time. If we ask Him, He will give us strength and His wisdom, to navigate moving forward.

Here are some steps to take in moving through this period:

  1. Be dedicated to Bible study/prayer, as it is essential during this time, and always. In studying the Bible, select topics that address your situation. For example, verses on faith, hope, trust, and love. Begin studying the entire Bible (Old and New Testament) on these topics. And always keep in mind, studying the Bible is a journey; you will find the strength, as you keep moving forward.

  2. Also, during this time it is important to connect with Godly family members, friends, and a spiritual counselor/pastor for guidance. In addition, some may need to also seek out a licensed therapist as well. Do not feel ashamed to reach out to others for help as you heal. Please do not try and go through this challenging time all alone.

  3. And one must take care of the physical body as well. Get exercise, rest, and try to eat healthy meals. Taking care of our physical bodies during this time is just as important as the spiritual and mental aspects.

We must remember that this low point in your life will eventually pass. During this time, you can learn to grow your faith and trust in God, as well as yourself. Always know God loves you, and is with you, no matter what the future may hold. Continue moving forward during the valley low period, trusting/believing in God, even if you can only see, just a few feet ahead.


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