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Servant Mindset

To equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ… Ephesians 4:12ESV

Let each of you look not only to his own interests but also to the interests of others. Philippians 2:4 ESV

In the book Vanishing Grace, author Philip Yancy shared the story of a witness named Joanna Flander-Thomas. Ms. Flander-Thomas visited incarcerated men in South Africa’s most violent prison. Her goal was to bring Christ and His message to these men. As she visited the prisoners daily, she shared with them the simple gospel message of forgiveness and reconciliation. As she earned their trust and got them to talk about their abusive childhoods, she helped to show them a better way of resolving conflicts. The year before her visits began, the prison recorded 279 acts of violence against inmates and guards. The following year, there were just two.

She allowed God to use her to witness to those, that most would not even dare to visit. By sharing God’s love, caring, and a way to interact with each other, the Holy Spirit was able to transform lives.

When I read that story, I thought of how we all can extend our empathy and compassion, to this world and to others who are hurting. How we can adopt the servant mindset and go beyond our comfort zones, to help those who for whatever reason, cannot help themselves. To reach out and help those who really do not know the Bible and a better way to live.

In this Covid-19 world in which we all live, it might be difficult to witness as we once did in the past. However, by taking safety precautions, we can still find ways to have a servant mindset, to go and witness for Christ. To look to be with someone (whether in person, over the phone or internet) while they are struggling to find answers to their challenges. To be there for them as they look to move forward in their life’s journey. Perhaps you feel compelled to help feed and clothe the homeless. There are also ministries that help the homeless with bathing and grooming needs. Both of these ministries, and countless others, need your help.

I encourage all to have a servant mindset and look to serve in whatever ministry that touches your heart. Continue your constant connection to God and in turn, look to spread His messages of hope, love, and peace to others.



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