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Seven Sins God Hates

Updated: Mar 11

Seven Sins God Hates

But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear.   Isaiah 59:2 (ESV)

O you who love the Lord, hate evil! He preserves the lives of his saints; he delivers them from the hand of the wicked.  Psalm 97:10 (ESV)

There are many sins that are outlined in the Bible, but those listed in Proverbs 6:16-19 are stated as sins God hates and are an abomination to Him. We will look at each and give the modern-day definition. 


Haughty eyes- This describes a person who feels they are superior and better than others. It is one who tends to look down at other people and feel they are greater in all areas.

A lying tongue- This describes a person who continuously lies. They rarely tell the truth. Instead of being honest and telling the truth, they are quick to think of a lie, even with small insignificant matters.  

Hands that shed innocent blood- Of course, this should be self-explanatory…murderers. Those who seek to kill another person, and it was not an accident, it was intended. 

A heart that devises evil plans- This is a person who is always manipulating and creating wicked ideas/schemes against another. They are usually always thinking of themselves and how they can manipulate a situation or another person, to get what they want.

Feet that make haste to do evil- This describes a person who’s always looking to get into trouble and do wicked/evil things. Someone who may steal, lie, manipulate, and cheat other people. They’re always quick to run and do evil. And for some, it’s not out of some sort of necessity, they do it for the thrill of just being wicked and evil.

A false witness, who breathes out lies

These are those who will tell lies/give false testimony about others. With this sin, I can easily see God referring to those who gossip. Those who revel in “embellishing” a story or a tale. Basically, they tell lies with perhaps some small amount of truth, about another person and/or situation, and then pass the info on as if it were all true.

One who sows discord among brothers- These are people who always stir up descension and trouble amongst other people. They are quick to stir up tempers and situations, that will cause a person or groups of people, to be against each other. 


Of course, with all of these, some will possess all of the listed sins, and some will have just one or a few as part of their characters. However, despite living in a sinful and fallen world, God does not want any of His children (all humans) to have any of these sins (as well as others listed in the Bible) to be a part of who they are. Everyone has sinned but we need not stay there and make it a part of our everyday life. All of us can seek to confess (turn away from) our sins and ask Jesus’s blood to cleanse and cover us. We all have the choice to not sin and choose to always look to do what is right and honorable.


May we go forth confessing and turning away from our sins, and seek to walk in God’s light of love, truth, and honor.  




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