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Writer's picture21stcglmediateam

<strong>God’s Spark</strong>

Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. Genesis 2:7 (ESV)

We are all infused with the breath of God when we were created. I listened to a sermon recently when the pastor beautifully illustrated/described, what happened when God first breathed the breath of life into human beings…God’s Spark. I had never heard that term being used to describe the breath God breathed into every one of His children. What a beautiful and powerful description of God’s loving act toward us.

When I stop to think about the “spark of God” being inside me, I am humbled and have the desire to serve Him by using the gifts and talents He has given to me. I have the desire to align my life with His will, and to encourage others to do the same.

Let’s face it, we live in a crazy and dark world where sinful-worldly lifestyles/choices are celebrated and at times, greatly encouraged. A world that will laugh and/or snicker at anyone that desires their life to be in line with God’s morals and truths. They too have God’s spark however, they do not acknowledge it nor do they acknowledge God or His plans for a Christ-centered life. Despite this, God loves all His children and wants the best for us, just like any good parent.

As you go about living your life, all the rushing to complete tasks in an attempt to achieve your goals, take a moment to stop and think about God’s Spark, the breath of life He has given you. Stop and thank Him for the beautiful person He created, you! Then, pray and ask Him how you can use your life, your gifts and talents, to spread His gospel message of love, to the rest of the world.

Remember, you and I are infused, with God’s Spark! Now, go forth and be a blessing to others!



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