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<strong>Godly Benchmarks</strong>

We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done. Psalm 78:4 (ESV)

Let this be recorded for a generation to come, so that a people yet to be created may praise the Lord: Palm 102:18 (ESV)

As we go through life, there will be periods of dealing with ups and downs and, dealing with the monotony of everyday happenings. We all have times of not being sure of God’s leading and the call for our lives. I listened to a podcast where the speaker mentioned as we go through life it would be a good idea to build monuments acknowledging God’s presence and His promises, just like the Children of Israel and many others in the Bible. Throughout the Bible, after witnessing countless miracles, many would erect monuments acknowledging God and His wonders. And whenever other travelers would pass by, they would see the monuments and remember (from stories being told from generation to generation) the awesomeness of God and His presence in their lives.

Now, as we fast forward to our present day, wouldn’t it be wonderful for us to also create Godly monuments in our lives so we will remember His faithfulness? So when we have those tough days, we too can look back on the monuments we created, and see God’s faithfulness. Our modern-day monuments or benchmarks could be in the form of a journal, an object we made or purchased, or a special place we go to; all of these, and perhaps others, could be used to commemorate God’s faithfulness and His blessing in our lives. And when we look back and view our monuments, those benchmarks, we can take comfort in remembering how God brought us through our testing and trials. Even if He does not deliver us the same way as before, we still can take comfort and have our faith sustained, by beholding the Godly monuments/benchmarks of the past.

As we go forward in life, may we all seek to memorialize God’s awesome presence in our lives by creating special monuments/benchmarks. I encourage us to seek to share our stories and may they be passed down from generation to generation. May they become a blessing and encouragement to others, as they walk their own life’s journey.



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