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<strong>Let Your Light Shine!</strong>

And nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising. Isaiah 60:3 (ESV)

As 2022 comes to a close, and we are looking forward to 2023, may we seek to live our lives shining the light of God, into the world. When we allow God to manifest in our lives and magnify Him in all we do, His light will shine through us. As we shine a positive light onto others, we’re also allowing God to shine His light and blessings onto us. We don’t have to pursue and/or chase what God will bring to us if we are seeking to live our lives within His will. The beginning of Psalm 23:6 says, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life…”. Therefore, we don’t have to chase down God’s goodness, we just have to arise and shine!

Also, we must remember, light does not need to strive, it doesn’t have to force itself to shine, it just does. In life, many times we’re guilty of trying to influence and/or force situations that might not be what God wants for us. We may try to manipulate a situation to make it happen however, if we are connected to God, we need not force the blessing or the light to come forth. If it is within His will, the blessings and light will simply shine.

In 2023 and beyond, let’s seek to connect and stay connected to the true light source, God.  As we move forward may all we say and do be in God’s will, and may His light shine forth always, to everyone we meet!

Have a safe and happy 2023!

Happy New Year!!



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