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Writer's picture21stcglmediateam

<strong>ME, ME, ME!!!</strong>

Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Philippians 2: (ESV)

But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? 1 john 3:17 (ESV)

In many societies of the world, there is an underlying thinking that is constantly being pushed and encouraged and that is ME, ME, ME!! Thinking that says it’s all about me!! It’s all about what I want/need to make ME feel good, what makes ME happy, and the meaning of life is ME, ME, ME!!! How utterly contrary this thought is to the Bible teachings and the example Jesus lived while He was here on Earth.

When we look at babies and little ones whose brains and emotions are not fully developed, it is acceptable and understood their reactions will always center on me, me, me. This of course is to be expected. But when it comes to adults, who should be emotionally mature and/or maturing, it’s unacceptable. Not saying anything is wrong with at times needing to pamper and take care of ourselves when needed. Even Jesus took time out to pray and be alone with God. The time he needed to regroup and recharge. So taking time out to care for yourself is essential/necessary. But the pervasive thought of ME, ME, ME, goes way beyond that!

God would long for His children to stop placing major focus/concentration on ourselves and for us to look around at those in need, and place some of that focus on helping them. Not saying we can take care of all the ills and problems of this world but, we each can use some of that energy/focus, into helping those in need. To make it a life practice and/or habit of reaching out to others and helping them. Whether it be financially, physically, or just emotionally, God would love for us as His children, to seek to be available to assist others.

Every one of us has gifts and talents given by God that we can use to help our fellow human beings. How beautiful it would be to bless another by utilizing our natural gifts and abilities. There is beauty in our world however, there is also a lot of darkness and pain. If we would be willing to shine our lights, and our talents into the craziness of this world, what a different place it would be. Think about this, if every human being adopts God’s ideals of how we should behave, this world would already be heaven on earth.

So in going forward in this life of course, take some time to care for yourself but do so in a healthy and balanced manner. And then, seek to make it a practice to use your gifts/natural abilities, to reach out and help someone in need. Some of us may never know how our acts of kindness made a positive impact on another’s life.



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