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<strong>Seeking Happiness</strong>

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Isaiah 26:3 (ESV)

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. John 14:27 (ESV)

Life is not about your being comfortable, and happy, and successful, and pain-free. It’s about you becoming the man or woman God has called you to be…Charles Swindoll

When I read the above quote in one of my morning devotions, I had to stop and contemplate this thought. This world is so geared toward promoting and advocating for us to strive for our pleasure and happiness; and at times, encouraging us to pursue those feelings, no matter the cost.

A story comes to mind of a man who told his wife of many years, he was leaving to seek happiness. My friend shared how her husband sought this “happiness’ in the arms of another married woman. The two of them in this quest of seeking happiness destroyed two families, and the ripple effect reverberated to church members, as well as many family and friends. The shock and devastation felt by the two remaining spouses were tremendous. Another sad part of the story is that the two who engaged in the adulterous behavior ended up not staying together for very long and, have since moved on to several other individuals. And to add to this sad story, it is questionable if they will be staying in their current relationships. This destruction depicts the devastating cost of their behavior, in the search for happiness and pleasure.

When people choose to go against God’s will and seek worldly lust, pleasure, and happiness, little do they realize they are being led down a destructive path in life. Perhaps they will escape physical harm but the emotional, psychological, and spiritual scars, as well as the hurt to those they wronged, will remain. Some also fail to realize if they continue willfully making wrong decisions, fueled with the idea of always pleasure-seeking, this could very well determine how they will spend eternity.

I have read many articles and heard song lyrics that state happiness is usually always based on what’s happening to you, at that moment. It is not a long-lasting feeling that goes on, and on, and never goes away. It would be nice if that could be true but, in this sinful world, that is just not the case. Now does God want happiness and peace for His children, of course!! It was never His intention for there ever to be sin and destruction in the world He created. That choice was made by human beings, from our first parents and through time, by each of us. And those sinful choices have led to a lot of destruction since the world was created.

God wants us to seek to follow Him and His instructions on how to live our best lives. He wants us to seek to be the best versions of ourselves, and to think, pray, and follow His word, before we make decisions. To try and do what Jesus would do in various life situations. When we seek to make the right choices that honor God, we will have His peace and joy, which is strong and deeply rooted. It will be there even when the surface of happy feelings eventually fades.

So, always remember when you have God’s joy and peace, (as opposed to fleeting happiness) it will keep you steady, as you go through life’s ups and downs.



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