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Writer's picture21stcglmediateam

<strong>Sinful Hearts</strong>

Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life. Proverbs 4:23 (ESV)

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9 (ESV)

When we look at the pain and anguish many are feeling today, the root cause can be traced to sinful hearts. Many writers have referenced the following as the seven deadly sins of the heart: pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, anger, and being lazy. Of course, God’s word lists more as referenced in Proverbs 6:16-19. All sins (those referenced and others) are the foundations of the current ills that plague all human beings, as well as our entire planet.

Many times, people find themselves in situations trying to deal with the fallout of sinful behavior, by their own doing or what has been done to them. However, the real culprit goes much deeper, and it is the root cause that brought on the behavior and/or situation. Many failed relationships, failed businesses, various crimes, environmental concerns, etc., all stem from the root cause–the sinful heart.

And let’s not fool ourselves into thinking many of us are exempt from committing these sins. Every human being has transgressed at least one or a combination of the sins referenced. For example, an adulterer will lie to their spouse to cover up their behavior. The lie didn’t cause the adultery but, the lusting (usually the initial behavior) after another person that is not their spouse, was the root cause.

As human beings, we all need to work on the source of sin within our hearts, on a continual basis. Many people will work on the surface of their various problems but fail to delve deeper into the root cause. In Mark 7:15, 21-22, Jesus diagnosed the spiritual condition of every human… “It is what comes out of a person that defiles them,” (v.15) and, in verses 21-22, He listed the sins that are at times contained within our hearts.

Throughout the Bible, many of God’s children cried out to Him for help with their sinful conditions, asking Him to clean their hearts, their ideas, and their thoughts. For example, in Psalm 51:9-10, David cried out to God to blot out his sins and to renew a right spirit within him.

May we seek to not just treat the symptoms of our lives but look to work on the root cause. God wishes for all His children to not be led astray into temptation and then to sin. I pray we all continue to die to our sins daily and, that we allow God’s word, His teaching, to guide us throughout our lives. If we fall into sin, may we repent (meaning to turn away from sin) and ask for cleansing through the blood of Jesus. May we not just treat the symptoms but, allow Jesus to purify the source of our sinful hearts.



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