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<strong>Trouble In Life Is Inevitable</strong>

Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all. Psalm 34:19

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Have you ever met people who feel Christians have an idyllic life with no problems? There are even those who say one of the reasons they became a Christian was because they thought they would have less stress and problems. However, those who have studied God’s word and have walked with Him for many years, know this is far from the truth. Living this life as a Christian or not, you will face troubles. The difference is how you maintain as you go through life’s struggles.

As the verse above states, the righteous will have many troubles in this life but, God will be there with His children. Everyone at some point in time will experience various types of loss. It could be the loss of loved ones, job/financial security, the break-up of relationships, loss of our health, our youth, and the list can go on and on. Even though God states we will have trouble, He lets us know He will never leave us and, He will give us the strength to endure the various trials.

Many times, throughout the Bible it is stated we will have trouble as we live in this fallen, sin-filled world. God’s intent is not to scare us or cause constant worry. His desire is, to be honest, and make us aware, that we live in a fallen/troubled world, and that we will encounter difficulties. He wants His children to prepare physically, emotionally, mentally as well as spiritually, to face whatever challenges this life will bring. He always wants us to know, He will be with us every step of the way on our journey through life.

In John 16:33, God shares how we can have peace through trials through Him. Meaning, while going through challenging situations, we can mentally, emotionally, and spiritually lean on and trust God to work everything out. We may not “feel” He is there, but we must intellectually choose to believe that He is with us always.

Jesus, God’s Son came to Earth and faced many trials and dangers. He gave us an example of constant prayer and connection to God the Father, in order to have the strength to endure life’s pains and heartaches. May we all develop and maintain a constant connection with God and seek His peace, as we navigate our life’s journey.



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