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<strong>When You Face Trials… Not If</strong>

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. James 1:2-3 (ESV)

We all will face trials and temptations in our life. In James 1:2, the Bible emphasizes when you face trials, not if. Whether it is our upbringing or the media content we consume, we sometimes have the faulty knowledge that if we work hard, we can achieve this perfect drama-free life. However, we cannot go through life with a Pollyanna attitude thinking we will never have problems or face trials. Every single human being that ever lived, that’s living currently, and who will live in the future, will face trials.

Even though no one likes trials, they are present in life to make us stronger for what may come and, to help others when they are going through difficulties. As we go through our trials, may we seek a closer relationship with God and develop the strength and maturity needed, to weather life’s storms.

It is imperative to have faith and believe God is there when we go through our various tests and trials. We can pray and hope for the outcome we expect but, we need to trust and allow God to be God, and follow His ultimate will. If we get upset when God does not give us what we expect, we must realize it is not God’s decision but it is our expectations and wants that are flawed.

When there are trials to be faced, we should not look to quit. For example, if we are looking to have a better physique and better health, it will not just come to us magically. We have to work out, eat right, and stay the course, to achieve our goals. We will not be able to quit and still think we will have the results we desire. Sticking to difficult tasks or situations in life is what we all must do if we are to become stronger and more resilient. Quitting is just not an option. This thinking does not apply only to physical fitness, but to all of life’s challenges; physical & financial fitness, relationships, spiritual/emotional/mental development, etc.

Not saying we need to go about life always waiting for trials to pop up. We do not need to look for them as they will come to all of us. But, may we seek to grow spiritually daily, so that when they do come, we will be better prepared to handle them.



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