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<strong>Your Concentric Circle Of Influence?</strong>

Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.” 1 Corinthians 15:33 (ESV)

Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm. Proverbs 13:20 (ESV)

But test everything; hold fast what is good. 1 Thessalonians 5:21 (ESV)

Have you heard it said that you can become like the people closest to you? In other words, you can take on many of the characteristics of the people with which you spend most of your time. If one spends time with people who engage in illicit activities or behaviors, chances are high that they will in turn engage in those same behaviors.

Those in your circle of influence can be family members, close friends, people from work and/or school, church members, etc. Despite the roles they may play in your life as your mature, you can decide how influential you will allow them to be, as you move forward in life. One can easily pick up the mannerisms, integrity (or lack thereof), and life choices of those whom you hang around the most. If one allows it, an influential person’s outlook on life, their thoughts about other people, etc, can and oftentimes will, rub off on you whether it be for good or bad.

When allowing others to impact and/or influence your life decisions, make sure you have the truth of God’s word as your guiding light. Having God and His truths always before you, as well as you deciding to follow His precepts, will help you when you are being influenced to make contrary choices/decisions. These unwise decisions can lead you away from God; away from doing what is right, good, and holy. Now, we all will encounter individuals who are not safe and who routinely make questionable and/or unwise choices in life. When one must interact with these individuals, do so in a way where you are kind and respectful but, you will not allow their behaviors/choices, to influence your decisions in life.

As the Bible verses state above, do not allow bad company to influence you. Seek to walk with the wise and those who give Godly counsel. Also, be wise with everyone and everything you encounter. Make sure to test all against God’s Holy Word.



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