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<strong>Your Thoughts/Feelings vs. Someone Else’s</strong>

If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. Colossians 3:1-2 ESV

This notion may sound crazy but it’s not. So much of what we believe and/or think, really came from someone else and we just latched on. At times we have allowed other people’s pervasive thinking to permeate our being, without really deciding if those ideals/thoughts are what we believe or if they are what we just “roll” with because that’s all we ever knew.

Of course from birth to adolescence and moving into adulthood, we will take on many thoughts and ideas that we have received from those closest to us. This is normal and to be expected. The problem comes when some of these thoughts and ideals, are contrary to God‘s holy word and how He expects His children to behave. Once we reach adulthood, and perhaps just before, we need to take time to assess who we are, and what we believe. In taking an assessment of ourselves, this should not be thought of as a one-time event but, an activity that is to occur throughout our lifetime. We should always evaluate our thoughts/beliefs and measure them not against the world’s ideals, but against God‘s principles.

It is tempting to “go with the flow” of popular opinions that are circulating, and not stand on the side of God, and His ways. A popular term that labels persons that have differing views to the world’s “accepted” viewpoints is called canceled culture. I would like to pause here and say as God’s children, even if we do not agree with others (their lifestyle or choices), we still should behave as God would have us, with love and kindness toward all. Having said this, however, it does not mean we have to “bend” and follow along with the current worldly viewpoints that are contrary to God’s principles. We still should stand firm in our belief and conviction regarding God’s holy word.

As you go forth through life, seek to formulate viewpoints that are based on God’s wisdom and not what is popular right now in the world. Of the many beliefs and opinions that were passed down from generation to generation, may we assess these against God’s word, to formulate the right thinking. May we strive to have God’s thoughts and beliefs be an integral part of our lives always.



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