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Taking Our Talents To The Grave

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: 1 Peter 4:10 (ESV)

Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them… 1st part of Romans 12:6 (ESV)

I know I have shared before how we all are given various gifts and talents from God. Our Father in Heaven desires for each of us to seek to use our gifts, for the uplifting of His people, His world. However, there are countless people (I too was once in that number) who will not use the gifts/talents that they were given. Many will come up with various excuses as to why they cannot. Let’s look at a few reasons they give below.

Some feel they do not know what their gifts/talents are. One way to find out is to go to Google and type in the spiritual gifts test. From there you will find a link where you can answer questions and get your results, which will be in line with your personality and your character.

Then there are some who know their gifts/talents but, they are scared of the future, of the unknown. Wanting to know the future is something we all desire. Everyone has a little fear of the unknown. But despite this, God calls for us to trust Him and to move forward in life knowing He will be there. While we are still alive and functioning, we should seek to use our time wisely and share God’s message of love, hope, and peace, by using our various gifts and talents.

Then there are others, who know their gifts and talents and who are not afraid to use them. They choose however to use them for glory and worldly pursuits/pleasures and not seek to focus on or uphold Godly precepts. Of course, living in this world, we will at times use our gifts/talents to provide for ourselves and/or our families. But the difference (if we stay connected to God) will be that we’ll seek opportunities to uplift God and His kingdom, as much as possible, as we live out our lives.

Whatever the reason one may have for not using their gifts and talents, I would like to encourage everyone to not hold back and to share their positive contributions to God’s world. It is not God’s desire that we hide our light, and our talents, and not use them to be a blessing to His people. We do not want to take to the grave, the gifts and talents that were never used for the uplifting of His kingdom.



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