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Temptations…Your Triggers

Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Matthew 26:41 (ESV)

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation, he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. 1 Corinthians 10:13 (ESV)

What temptations trigger you to go against God’s ideal plan for righteous living? All of us, every human being that inhabits this planet, have triggers that when enabled, will tempt us to sin.

All of us face temptations that come from various sources. What may tempt me, may not be a problem for you, and vice versa, what temps you, may not be a problem for me.

Facing temptations in life is inevitable for us all. It can be something as simple as certain foods to serious matters that leads to pain and dire consequences such as lying, cheating, sexual sins, and the list can go on and on. Even though we all will face temptations, it does not mean we have to give in to them, as God will provide a way of escape every time. He will always show us the right way to live and the choices we should make. However, we all have free will and can choose the path that goes against God, and leads us into temptation and sin.

From infancy up to our present age, Satan and his angels have watched us and know the various triggers that could lead us into temptation. When we pray the Lord’s Prayer, there is a part where we ask God to “lead us not into temptation.” The reason Jesus gave us the Lord’s Prayer was because He knew while living on this planet, we will be tempted just like Him. Some may think because Jesus is the Son of God, He had special powers to not give into sin however, this is incorrect. He is the Son of God but, He laid down His divinity and put on humanity while He was here. So, He was fully human and being tempted by Satan, just as you and I however, He did not give into sin.

We all must realize we need to overcome various temptations otherwise, we may see them again, as we move along life’s journey. An example could be a cheating spouse/significant other, who moves on to their next relationship. After a while, the same feelings/triggers that occurred in the previous relationship, show up in this new one. And now this individual again has a choice to make. To repeat the same bad decision, discarding this relationship and moving on, or to remain and work things out, turning away from temptation and sin.

Everyone must really know themselves and, what triggers will cause them to fall into sinful behaviors. We must be aware of who we are and be honest with ourselves. We must work to create healthy boundaries, strengthening our resolve now and always, against any weaknesses and tempting desires. By consistently reaching out to God and praying for strength, He will reveal to us the various temptation traps that are ready and waiting.

I encourage us all to live our lives connected to God and to be careful not to allow ourselves to get into situations, where we know we will fall into sinful temptation.



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