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Thirst For Righteousness?

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. Matthew 5:6 (ESV)

Blessed are they who observe justice, who do righteousness at all times! Psalm 106:3 (ESV)

In living life day to day, do you find yourself thirsting after God’s Righteousness? As we go about our lives, we at times get caught up in the struggles and the cares of this world, that pull us from one situation to the next. And seeking to thirst after God’s Righteousness, is not always at the forefront of our minds.

When we hunger for God and His righteousness, we are seeking to make the right decisions and choices on a daily basis. That may sound easy but sometimes it can be a challenge. For example, in life sometimes we are given an option to take shortcuts, in order to help us in our various tasks. But by doing so, this ultimately might help us, but not so with others. By taking the shortcut, we may make it harder for another who comes along and picks up our slack. This scenario can happen at work, school, or in any area of our personal lives. In that scenario, was God’s Righteousness being displayed? We all have to agree no, it was not. The decision was made to do what was good for us, knowing, later on, someone else may have to pay the price.

In seeking to do what’s right, always base your thoughts and actions on what Jesus would do in the situation versus a worldly response. In the world, there are a lot of popular views on various topics, on how to interact in society and with each other. Some of these views are trendy and what everyone else is doing, therefore, it is considered acceptable behavior. For a while, we may go along with these worldly views and feel content, as if we are part of the mainstream. For instance, in a non-marital relationship, some decisions and behaviors may be in line with what everyone is doing, but those actions, are very contrary to what God says in His Holy Word. Some will continue to listen to the world and make decisions based on worldly happiness but eventually, there will come a time when they are no longer fulfilled, or at peace. Ultimately, they may find when they get to the end of that journey, there is nothing but emptiness, pain, and hurt.

I challenge us all to thirst for God’s Righteousness. To pray on a daily basis for the desire of God and His Holiness. God said in His word we all are born into sin, meaning, we all have a desire for sin and sinful pleasures. We are not born with a natural desire for God’s Holiness. However, let’s continue to pray and seek to have God’s Righteousness, in our day-to-day decisions. May we not be fooled or pulled away from right living, by the shiny pleasures the world offers. Pray that we will have the mindset to always stay on the path of God’s truth. Eventually, as we continue to do this, we will find ourselves filled with His Spirit and, at peace.

Thirst for God’s Righteousness always…



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