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Too Many Distractions? 

But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:41-42. (ESV)

During this busy holiday season, it’s easy to become distracted with decorating, shopping for gifts, attending parties, etc. However, not only during the holiday season can one find themselves distracted. It can also be that way throughout the year with our schedules crowded with many activities and obligations. The Bible story of Martha and her sister Mary describes when Jesus came to their house and was speaking to a small gathering there. Being the hostess, Martha of course wanted to make sure enough food was prepared for Jesus and their guests. During the preparations, Martha was busy and stressed trying to have everything ready when they finished their discussion. It was at this time that Martha went to Jesus and complained her sister Mary was not helping. But Jesus lovingly told Martha that he understood her concerns, but He was not going to take this time away from Mary, as she chose what was most important. Now, one can sympathize with Martha, who wanted to provide for others who had come into her home. But the point here is that choosing to take time to learn from God is more important than being constantly torn away due to the busyness and distractions of life.

As stated above, there can be many distractions/commitments that can pull us away and cause us to lose sight of what’s important as we journey through life. God is not taking us from work which we need to do, to provide for ourselves, and our loved ones. But in this story, as in many others in the Bible, God is making the point to say we need to have balance and understand which is greater, our distractions or to stop and connect with Him on an ongoing basis. God is not asking for all of our time to be directed to Him. But daily, we all should have time set aside to pray, study God’s word, and reflect on our lives. The time we take can be just a few minutes or longer; just as long as we take the time to be still and relish in God’s goodness and His many blessings.

So, during this holiday season and for the upcoming new year, may we be aware of the many distractions life will place in our path. Some things we cannot control but, there are others we definitely can, and should control. May we have good boundaries in place that will help us not be too distracted, so that we don’t miss the opportunity to “sit” at Jesus’s feet and learn from Him.

Blessings and happy holidays,


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