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Unifier or Divider?

Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind.  1 Peter 3:8 (ESV)

Eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.  Ephesians 4:3 (ESV)

Are you a person who lives life to bring unity to those in your circle of influence? Or are you one to bring negativity, stir up, and/or divide others?  I’m not writing about being divided in an amicable way, due to opposing viewpoints. What I am sharing is when a person that has opposing opinions, seeks to negatively impact and/or divide others because of their views. 

To determine if you are a unifier or a divider, monitor your words, actions, and motives. Study the life of Jesus and how He interacted with those who opposed what He had to say. Then ask yourself, would He agree with your methods and behavior, towards someone that did not think the same as you?

We all are not going to agree on every viewpoint all the time. We can have different points of view on various matters but, still exhibit understanding, empathy, respect, and care for another.

When Jesus looked to stop negative and erroneous thinking and actions, He was firm but, He also had love and compassion for all He encountered. And this behavior is one God wants all His children to copy.

Being a unifier means you are a person who seeks to bring people together, wherever you go. You show compassion and respect for God’s people, no matter the color of their skin, cultural differences, or their various points of view. You may not totally agree with their viewpoints however, as a unifier you will respectfully disagree.

On the other hand, a divider will look try and force their agenda on others. They will seek to intimidate, divide, and/or look down upon others because they do not hold the same beliefs, nor do they share the same physical features as the divider.

However, as children of God, may we seek to be His unifier in this world. May we seek to daily shine God’s light of goodness, righteousness, and unity, to everyone we meet.



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