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Verify then Trust!

Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Psalm 37:3 (ESV)

And all the people shall hear and fear and not act presumptuously again. Deuteronomy 17:3 (ESV)

How well do you trust people? The people you are getting to know, and even those who you have casually known for some time? When you decide to begin trusting another, you must look to gain clarity and verification of this person, prior to divulging a lot about yourself.

Determine who they are as a person. Meaning are they always honest and walk with integrity? Or do they joke around often (even on serious matters) and tell “little lies” on a regular basis? How do they interact with others who are in their presence? And then, what do they say about this other person when they are no longer in their presence? Are they genuine and kind both times?

It is essential to determine what this person stands for and, where they are coming from with what they say, and the choices they make. Prior to giving so much of yourself to this person, try and learn who they really are and what their lifestyle entails. This is especially important when you’re entering into a new relationship with someone, and you are trying to get to know them.

Prior to divulging intimate details, determine if they are genuine. You can sometimes find out a lot about a person, depending on the friends and associates they are constantly around. As you continue to get to know them, look to verify as much as you can, and then begin to trust as you move forward.

Along this journey, you needed to have already worked on yourself emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually, using God’s Holy word as your guide and blueprint. So, when you begin entering into romantic and business relationships, in addition to friendships, you will be able to determine if this is a person you wish to continue a close relationship.

Now, we must keep in mind all of us are human and we are all sinners saved by the grace of God. That being said, from time to time we all make mistakes. So don’t immediately feel a person is not one to be trusted over a mistake. However, if one sees a negative pattern emerge with this individual, then you must proceed with caution or, do not proceed at all.

In moving forward in any serious relationship, seek to verify and then trust at every stage of your journey. Making sure they and you, are in step and in line with God’s principles, as you move forward on your life’s path.



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