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We All Are Formed from Dust! No Pedestals!!

“Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.” Genesis 2:7 (ESV)

“By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust, you shall return.” Genesis 3:19 (ESV)

This thought came to me when I was contemplating how most people look upon those who stand out for various reasons. Some are political figures. Others are entertainment, personalities, media, & sports figures. Still, there are others who are CEOs, doctors, lawyers, and wealthy individuals, either by their own means or by receiving an inheritance. For whatever the reason, we like to place these people on a pedestal and almost look to them as miniature gods. We may not say this to ourselves or out loud but, we do hold them in greater esteem, than the normal person you come in contact with, on a daily basis.

And even closer to home, we may look at people in our churches, schools, and workplaces, who have high positions, as if they deserve to be lifted up and constantly praised.

At times even within our families, we put one family member or several over the others, because of their various gifts and talents.

However, as Christians believing in the Bible, has the thought ever occurred to you, we all come from dust? God formed every human being from the dust on the ground, and then breathe the breath of life into them.

I am not looking to take away from the various gifts and talents that many people have been gifted with. I along with many, acknowledge and admire the God-given gifts and talents, He has bestowed on various individuals and not on the majority. However, in beholding these individuals, do we place them up on a pedestal? And in many instances, these same individuals will place themselves on a pedestal!

In reality, we need to see them for who they are; human beings like you and me. They are God’s children and they too were formed from the dust on the ground. For whatever reasons we may come up with, we need not look upon them, as if they are better than everyone else. That they should be worshiped for their looks, talent, money, and/or position.

We need to keep the focus and perspective that God, and He only should be worshiped. The one we should look upon and place on a pedestal would be His Son, Jesus.

As we seek to get closer to God and listen, as well as follow His Holy word; then we will have a clearer understanding/perspective, as we look upon our fellow human beings. We will understand fully how in love, God formed each of us. We will know that out of the ground we were taken; for we are dust, and to dust, we all shall return.



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