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Weapons Formed Against You

No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is from Me,” says the LORD. Isaiah 54:17 (NKJV)

During a morning prayer devotion not too long ago, Pastor Rupert Bushner of Patmos Chapel had emphasized the first part of today’s verse. At the beginning of the verse, it states, “no weapons formed against you shall prosper”. Most of us when reading this verse focus on the weapons will not prosper part of the verse. But during devotion he pointed out, it did not say there will be no weapons, it stated: “they will not prosper”. The point being is this: we all will have “weapons” or rather, trials and tribulations in this life. These trials and tribulations can, and will at times, come from the actions of others. These hurtful actions are the “weapons” God is referring to in this verse.

There may be times when a person or persons do not treat you as they should. There may be situations that you cannot control that may hurt you and/or your family deeply. Despite the pain and set back that may occur as a result, if we cling to God and His promises, those “weapons that were formed against us” will not ultimately win out; ultimately, they will not succeed.

By staying connected to God, in time you will grow and succeed in living the life He has planned for you. So, when others seek to do harm to you and/or your loved ones, do not allow the thought and feeling to creep into your heart and mind, that they will succeed in their evil plans. Know and trust God’s word when He says He will not leave you nor forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:8) during this time and, remember when He says, no weapon formed against you will prosper!



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