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Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Philippians 4:8

Whatever! This word, as it’s used in our modern-day era, can have a negative connotation attached to it. Many have used the “whatever” moniker to dismiss a situation or individuals as if what they are saying/doing is of no importance. Being used in this matter gives off a very condescending tone and many individuals have come to hate the word because of those negative undertones. However, as we see in God’s word from today’s passage, this word is not being used negatively nor is it being used to dismiss anyone.

In the breaking down of this verse, let’s see what God is saying:

Whatever is true…God is asking that our lives be one of truth. Where we seek it out and have truth be a part of our lives continuously.

Whatever is honorable…Choosing to live a life of doing what is right for others, as well as in every situation. To seek a path that is not deceitful but one that shows high honor, always.

Whatever is just… Live a life of being fair and honest in your everyday dealings with situations and others.

Whatever is pure…Seek goodness and purity in life. Do not seek that which is impure and wicked.

Whatever is lovely…Seek the good in life. In what you allow in your presence, especially what one may read, watch or listen to.

Whatever is commendable…Seek to live a life where others will offer praise due to your consistent behavior and attitude toward life and others. Not that you are doing good to be praised but, you always seek to live a life of integrity that others will notice.

God is looking for His children to lead a life that overall exhibits excellence in what we think, say, and do. One cannot control the negative connotation of the word ‘whatever’ as used by some but, we can strive to put into practice the ‘whatever’ God has outlined in His Holy Word.



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