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When Do You Seek God?

Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually! 1 Chronicles 16:11 (ESV)

I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me. Proverbs 8:17 (ESV)

Are you one to seek God, have a daily walk with Him, no matter the circumstances? Or are you one to only cry out to God when things are going wrong, and you need Him to “magically” make everything better?

At times when things are going well in life, when our problems and/or cares seem mild, we may tend to loosen up on our Bible study and private time we spend with God. When we are at the mountain top of life, we can sometimes become complacent with our spiritual walk, our spiritual growth.

However, whether we are in times of plenty, and life is going well or, if we’re in times of want and great need, we still should always praise and thank God. We should continuously seek to grow spiritually and learn from His Holy word and apply it to our lives. At all times, we should constantly seek to keep a connection with our Father in Heaven.

And we should not look to keep this connection because we fear something bad will happen if we do not. But we choose to keep the connection because He is our source of life, light, and goodness. We must constantly remind ourselves that this world is dying and is full of sin and wickedness. Deceptive practices abound, and we could easily be led astray and into traps, the evil one has cleverly set. If we are not careful, we may find ourselves going down a dark path, one God never intended we should travel.

But when we constantly keep that Godly connection, we will ask for Him to continuously give us His discerning spirit. With this holy discernment, we will be able to know what is right and what is wrong. We will be able to understand how we are to behave and navigate this world full of negative vices and individuals. There are situations that seem harmless and individuals who are deceptively charming. Without holy discernment, you can be deceived into thinking it is okay to become involved with this situation and/or individual. We could be pulled into their world and/or allow them to be granted access, into our inner circle of influence. But, if we continue to keep our connection with God, we will discover these individuals are wolves in sheep’s clothing as stated in Mat. 7:15.

Due to what we are up against in this life, we realize it is imperative we constantly seek God. We need to continuously keep His ways and His word ever before us daily. We need to always ask for His discernment, so we will be able to distinguish what’s true, noble, and good, as opposed, to what is sinfully wicked and charming. In addition, we need to seek God daily not just to ask from Him all the time but, to just say thank you for all He has done and continues to do. We should not just seek God only for what we want, but just to say thank you and how much we love Him as well.



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