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Who Influences You?

Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm. Proverbs 13:20 (ESV)

Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.” 1 Corinthians 15:33 (ESV)

In this 21st Century in which we all live, whose influence is paramount in your life? Having influence and being a part of the “in crowd” or the “socially accepted”, has been a position some have strived to obtain. Our world seems so entrenched in the social media frenzy, that one has to ask this important question, who influences you? Who has an impact on your thoughts, your beliefs, your ideas? Being that we are children of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, it would make sense to say we are influenced by God, and the principles set forth in the Bible. However, most are influenced by family, friends, society, and the current state of the world we live in. However, all of these influences would be great, if they follow God’s principles for mankind.

There are many who live life and make decisions based on what’s popular in culture and society. For example, in dating relationships years ago, certain aspects of the relationship would not occur until after the couple was married. However now, in the current state of the world, people are engaging in various aspects of the relationship immediately, even before the relationship is solid and/or a commitment has been made. Today’s society has definitely influenced how everyone should approach and/or behave in relationships. A person who chooses to approach relationships the way God would expect is considered odd or strange because they do not conform to today’s influential culture.

I would like to point out I am not against social media. All forms of social media of course can be a beautiful tool if used properly. However, we must be careful not to be significantly influenced by social media, societal/worldly customs, or any person whose beliefs are contrary to God’s ways.

Everyone should realize and understand, that a lot of popular beliefs and influences are contrary to the word of God. The acceptable “norms” of today’s society are very far from God’s ideal. And many are promoting these various ideologies as acceptable and, encourage everyone to believe, behave, and go along with various influential behaviors, even if it goes against God’s Holy Word.

As we move forward in life, may we all stop and take a moment to reflect on the biggest influence in our lives. If it is not God, I urge you to allow God and His principles to become the most dominant influence. Studying God’s word, attending a Bible-based church as well as fasting and praying, are steps we can and should take, to have a closer relationship with Him. When we do this, we will see the difference between the world’s influence, and God’s. When we seek to become closer to God, the temptations of this world will begin to dim and fade. It is then we will long for Godly ideals and be able to control what influences our thoughts and actions.



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