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Why Am I Here?

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Psalm 139: 13-15 (ESV)

Have you ever heard this saying by author Mark Twain: “the two greatest days of your life is the day you were born and the day you find out why”? What a true statement!!

As we go through life, some may question why they are here or why they were born. I would like to encourage us all to realize, it was not by accident or fleeting circumstance, as to why we were born. All who have come before us, those a part of our current generation, and those who will come after us, were chosen and ordained by God to walk this earth. So, no matter how hard life may be at times remember, you and I were chosen to be here.

Starting from adolescence and sometimes even well into our middle age years, some still have not figured out why they are here. Truth be told, some have not taken the time to really reflect on their life’s purpose. Finding your gifts and your strengths, is one of the most important factors in knowing why God created you. When looking to access those positive strengths and attributes, we should seek to learn how they can be used to uplift God’s children, and His world.

When looking at your strengths, do not look longingly at others, wishing you had their gift. Occasionally I know we all may look at someone who sings or preaches and think, “oh if I could be like that”! It’s nice to have those types of wishes occasionally and lightheartedly. The problem comes in when you’re constantly dwelling on what others have, to the point where jealousy may seep in or, we may begin comparing our talent with another person.

We all have been equipped with various gifts, and if we exercise and hone those skills, we will have a better understanding as to why God has placed us here on earth. Usually your gift/s/ come naturally to you and, more than likely, will be something you enjoy.

When I first started writing this blog, I had no clue what I was doing. I knew how to write but, writing a weekly blog seemed so foreign to me. But as God spoke to me, I began to move out by faith, and started this blog site. Truth be told, I had no idea I would still be writing every week for over two years. I figured it would last for a few weeks or months, and then I would have moved on. But, by the grace of God, this ministry continues. I continually allow Him to pour into me and sustain me to keep moving forward.

Now the question is what has God gifted you to do? Every human being has some gift or talent given to them, to be a blessing to others. As stated before, the most important days in a person’s life is when they were born and when they discover why. Take the time to truly discover you. Discover your strengths and weaknesses. Most importantly, know you are God’s son or daughter, His beloved child. May we all go out and use our gifts to bless our world. Always remember, you may never know the positive life changing impact on another, when you spread encouragement and God’s love.

Why are you here? Why am I here? We have been placed on this earth to be a tremendous blessing to God’s people and, to His world.



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