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Wisdom: God’s or the World’s?

Hear instruction and be wise, and do not neglect it. 34 Blessed is the one who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting beside my doors. 35 For whoever finds me finds life and obtains favor from the Lord. Proverbs 8:33-35

Sometimes in life, we look to obtain wisdom from someone who has lived longer than we have. We look for their perspective on life’s situations because of their age, and life experiences. And many times, this is can be very good advice. The only caution however would be this: make sure this wisdom is not contrary to God’s word. It does not matter who gives this advice, family or friend, just make sure it is in line with God.

As His children, we need to test any wisdom or advice we get, against His word. I have encountered many friends who have taken advice from people who are older. Only to realize what they shared, was not in line with God and His wisdom. When seeking advice from another (no matter the age), really look at their lifestyle and if they have a relationship with God. And after having received this knowledge, still look to God through prayer and His Holy Word, to see if it aligns.

Oftentimes as His children, we act on our own impulses and make major decisions based on what feels good or makes us happy at that moment. Or listen to advice that goes along with that “feel good” impulse. And when those decisions go against God’s word, they usually always will lead, to a downfall.

We must remember God’s wisdom is pure, honorable, and true. He knows the past, the present, and the future. Being the Creator and Sustainer of life, He would know what is best for His children; in order for them to live and navigate this world.

I encourage you to seek God and Godly wisdom before you look to make any major decisions. Have talks with your Pastor or a Godly advisor. In addition, study God’s word and pray on your own. Try to make decisions that will line up with His Holy word. You might come across those who may laugh or joke about your decisions based on what God says, as opposed to what the world says. But be strong and courageous, just like God told Joshua (Joshua 1:7). Look to follow what God says, and not the contrary advice of man. Always, look to follow God’s wisdom and not the world.



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