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Wonderfully Made!

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. Psalm 139:13-14 (ESV)

I read in one of my devotionals this comment: “You are made on purpose for a purpose; handcrafted by the Creator of the universe.”

How many reading that quote above believe that it is true? I pray that everyone reading it does believe this awesome truth for themselves. Unfortunately, there are those who doubt they were wonderfully made. They doubt they were made for a Godly purpose in this world.

I encourage all of us born on this earth to know we were not happenstance. Without getting into too many details, I would like to share some facts of our conception. When we were conceived, there were millions of sperm wanting the chance to fertilize the waiting female egg. It is estimated 100 million sperm are released and wanting the chance to fertilize, but only one makes it. And that one is you, and that one is me.

In looking at John 15:16, the first part of the verse states: “You didn’t choose me remember, I chose you, and put you in the world to bear fruit…” Knowing this, trust and believe you were fashioned and created by God and placed on this earth for a higher calling and purpose. And do not think your calling has to be something great and seen by many. From the least to the greatest, we all have a divine role to play in God’s world.

There are those who may have handicaps, illnesses, and infirmities, and feel how can they be wonderfully made. But one has only to look at others who have the same conditions and sometimes worse; and yet they still bring joy to the people they meet. So, despite the handicaps, some may suffer, know that God loves all of us and we were created to be a blessing to His world.

And then there may be those who were born into an environment that was not healthy and as they grew into adulthood, it was very challenging. Know this, that despite all, you too were still wonderfully made. Despite the past, you can become an awesome child of God now, and for the future. Sometimes those who have endured much in their past can be an even greater blessing to many in their future.

There will be times when doubts come as to why we are here and do we really serve a purpose. We may ask ourselves, what truly do we contribute to this world? Know this, everyone has spiritual gifts/talents. Seek to find out yours and then look to use your gifts and talents, to bless God’s world. Once before I wrote about spiritual gifts and talents and shared a link to a spiritual gift test. I will leave the same link below. Click and take the free test to see your spiritual gifts.

Trust and believe you & I are fearfully and wonderfully made. Now, go out in humility and love, and let the world know they too were wonderfully created, on purpose, by God.



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