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You Complete Me

For in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body. So, you also are complete through your union with Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority. Colossians 2:9-10 (NLT)

In a popular film called Jerry Maguire, there is a line that has been labeled very romantic and has been used repeatedly by many couples. It is the phrase, “You complete me”. Romantic movies are great, and their famous phrases are wonderful to hear however, in dealing with reality, we must bring context to some of these romantic phrases.

You might be surprised to learn a lot of people buy into the notion that another person completes them. Some go so far as believing another mate, child, pet, objects such as a car, property, money, status, etc., will complete them. This notion, however, is so very far from the truth.

These thoughts/notions, come from societies in general, that places high values on obtaining a certain external status, that involves other people or things. Societies worldwide have promoted the idea that a person by themselves is not complete and whole unless they have another person. In truth, the only way every human being will feel complete, connected, and at peace, is when they maintain a connection to God.

We need to realize that everything on this earth, including ourselves, is temporal. We are living in temporal bodies, and inhabiting a temporal space, during a set time period on this planet. No one knows their life expectancy. So, to feel you will not be complete unless you have another person, a position, status, or objects, can be emotionally and mentally destabilizing. Because at any time people, positions, objects, can be taken away. We have no control of their future, nor of our own.

May we always seek to work on our emotional, mental, and spiritual mindset. We should strive to connect with God daily and realize you as an individual are complete. Please understand, I’m not saying everyone should be by themselves and they should not connect with other people. It is good to be with others and the Bible speaks about community and being with other people. Having community and connection is definitely good for all of us. It helps us to thrive in this life when we form connections with other wholesome, healthy individuals. What I am saying is that a person does not need to feel they are incomplete as a person, by themselves.

As we continue to grow and work on ourselves, may we feel peace and completeness about who God created us to be. May we aim to learn and cultivate the gifts and talents, that God has placed within each of us. And, as complete individuals, may we seek to share what God has created us to be, with the rest of the world.



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