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Your Conversations

Let your conversation be always full of grace season with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. Colossians 4:6

Talking. It’s something most of us do every day and nearly all the time. Whether it’s with family, friends, at school, or at work, we are constantly using our voices to express a thought, a feeling, a position. But have you ever stopped and wondered, what God would think of the conversations we are having?

Reading the Bible verse for today puts into perspective how we should be aware of our conversations with other individuals. Now truth be told, it will be hard to have our conversations be “always full of grace”. It would be hard to always have beautiful, caring conversations, that we can always be proud of. As human beings, most of us have and will continue to have, struggles in this area from time to time. However, that should not stop any of us from really striving to have conversations that are seasoned and full of grace.

The reference to having your conversation be “with salt” can have different interpretations. Salt back in Paul’s time was a very valuable commodity. It was used as a preservative and a seasoning for food. It was so valuable, that people at times would use it as payment for various goods and services. The reference here can suggest, that we are encouraged to preserve the integrity of our grace-filled conversations. Meaning we should seek to have honorable conversations befitting a child of God. As His children, God expects us to preserve our integrity and be gracious with the words we speak to one another.

So whatever conversation you seek to have with anyone: whether young or old, family or friends, co-workers, or classmates, strive to have it be full of integrity, thoughtfulness, and kindness. Seek to have a conversation that would please our Heavenly Father. We should all strive to have meaningful and respectful conversations as the standard way of communicating, as children of the Creator of the Universe.



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