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Your Identity

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10 (ESV)

Therefore, be imitators of God, as beloved children. Ephesians 5:1 (ESV)

How would you describe your identity? If someone were to ask you to describe who you are, what would you say? Many would describe their physical characteristics, their vocations, or even their political party. However, we are not just our race, our sex, our ethnicity, or our vocation. People often identify themselves with the various labels that society places on them. But that is not who they truly are.

All of us need to peel back and discover who we really are as God’s children. We need to realize we were all born male or female and God placed us here for a reason. Every human being that ever lived, that is living currently, and who will live in the future, was placed on Earth by God for a divine purpose and calling.

For some, the reason they are here will be known by many and the impact they will have will be great. Whereas there are those, whose impact on others may seem small and only targeted to those around them. However, no one should discount the seemingly “smaller” group of people being impacted. One may never know how the influence on that small group or an individual, can turn into a significant impact for many in the future.

In addition, oftentimes we are also guilty of placing identities or profiling others based on their looks, their vocation, where they live, what friend groups they are associated with, etc. But, when we look to the Bible and Jesus as our example, did He judge, identify, or profile people based on their looks or occupation? No, He did not, and nor should we as His children.

Of course, our looks and vocation can be a description of us and a description of what we do but, those descriptions are not our actual identity. Our identity is our true purpose for God placing us here on Earth. It is our gift to His people and to His world. To discover our true identity, we need to spend time with God through prayer, Bible study, and attending a Bible-teaching/believing church. We need to not fall into the false identities others or even we ourselves place on us, based on looks, vocations, possessions, etc.

May we not just follow a model of others and act or behave as they do, even if they are a good role model. May we allow God to help us forge our own true identities in Him. And then, may we use those gifts, talents, and spheres of influence, to help those around us as they go about living their lives. May we ultimately use our true God-given identities to encourage others into a wonderful life-long relationship with our Father in Heaven.



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