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Your Love Language & Spiritual Gifts

With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, Ephesians 4:2 (ESV)

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: 1 Peter 4:10 (ESV)

As this year closes and the new year is soon to be upon us, there are many who are looking to put into motion, new plans and resolutions for the coming year. Many are looking to better or improve themselves internally as well as externally. In so doing, I would encourage you to find out who you are regarding your love language and your spiritual gifts. Of course, there are many different personality tests you can take to find out how you are wired and what gifts and talents you have been given. The tests I highlight here (see the link and attachment) are ones I have taken and have found to be very enlightening. I hope they will be for you as well.

The first is a test created by Dr. Gary Chapman and is called The 5 Love Languages. This test helps you determine how you are wired for receiving and giving love. And when I talk about love it is not just a romantic form but in all forms. There are tests for couples, singles, teens, as well as children. My results showed quality time high at the top of my list. I encourage you to find your qualities, your love language. In doing so, this will help you know who you are; and if you are seeking a life partner, you will be able to share with them how you are truly wired. And they, in turn, can share the same with you.

The Spiritual Gifts Test is from Pastor Gene Wilkes and LifeWay Christian Resources. This test helps you discover the gifts and talents God has given to all of us. By knowing your gifts and talents, you can utilize them by helping your church and in turn, building up God’s kingdom. In addition, you will feel as if you are living out your life’s purpose; doing what God has called you to do here on this Earth. For this test, my results are 1. Prophecy, 2. Shepherding/Faith (tied) and 3. Exhortation.

So during this holiday season, take some time out for yourself and take these quizzes. Find out who you truly are and then, use this knowledge to go out and bless God’s people. I encourage you to go out and let your talent, your gift, and your light shine, in your corner of the world. Happy Holidays.



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