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Your Testimony!!

Proclaiming thanksgiving aloud and telling all your wondrous deeds. Psalm 26:7 (ESV)

I will tell of your name to my brothers; in the midst of the congregation, I will praise you… Psalm 22:22 (ESV)

All of us have a testimony. Every human being has gone through hurts, trials, and tribulations, from time to time, throughout the course of life. And it is safe to say, no one wants to go through the low valleys or the hard times of life. Most of us can remember the heartaches, the loneliness, the stress, the anger, and so many other unpleasant emotions during that time. However, once we have gone through and come out on the other side of that pain, I pray we have matured and become stronger in the process. I pray we will then share our testimony with others, to help them on their journey.

The first four letters in the word testimony spell test. All of us will have a testing time and/or times, as we journey through life. As we’re going through trials, if we continuously lean on God and His word, He will guide us through those very difficult periods of life. After we have come through, the strength and endurance we developed, as a result, will help prepare us for any future difficulties, as well as give us the ability to help family and friends, through their trials.

During our fiery trials, we sometimes forget we are not alone. We must remember others have gone through or, are in the midst of going through, the same difficulties at the same time. We at times isolate ourselves in our thoughts and begin thinking, I’m the only one going through this trial/tribulation. Even the Prophet Elijah (1Kings 19:14, 18) became scared and ran telling God he was the only one left that has not bowed down to other gods in Israel. However, God had to remind him that no, there are still over 7000 left. God had to help him realize he was not alone, there were others, just like him.

As we continue on life’s journey, may we continue to fight for what is right and continue to hold ourselves close to God. May we hold onto His promises and move forward in life, never giving up. We have to realize God will be there, even if we cannot see our way through, or feel Him near. Remember, there may be lessons we need to learn, as we go through testing and trials.

May we be encouraged to share our testimonies with others. As God states in Revelation 12:11, “They overcame by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony…” By sharing with others, we not only are helping them stay the course and not give up but, we are also helping ourselves to heal and grow even stronger.

Always be willing to share your story, your testimony of how God brought you through.



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