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Your Trials Are Not Wasted

And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death. Revelation 12:11 (ESV)

No one likes to face trials, suffer, and go through painful experiences as they go through life. But every single human being at various times in their lives, will go through times of difficulty. And when one goes through fiery trials, they can be painful and feel as if they will never end. It’s when you find yourself in despair, that you must hold on and not let go of the promises from God. Trust and believe that He is walking in that valley with you and if you have faith and do not give up, He will bring you through.

Then after you have come through your ordeal you’ll be able to look back and see how faithful God had been. You will seek to praise God for bringing you through and for the relative calm and peace that you’re experiencing afterward. During this time, God can bring a person or group of people in your life, who are currently going through what you have endured. It is precisely during this time that if given the opportunity, God would want you to share all or part of your journey/ your testimony. The Bible states in Revelation 12:11 how God’s children overcame by the blood of the Lamb (which is Jesus Christ) and our testimonies. This means we are to share our belief in Jesus as our Savior and share how God brought us through our trials.

God wants us to share with others what we have learned by encouraging them to hold on and trust God to bring them through their difficult situation. We should let them know that it was not easy for us and that there were no quick fixes. We can encourage them by stating everyone’s situation, journey, and experience can be different, so don’t try to compare. Let them know that whenever possible, you will try to be there to help during this trying time.

We may never know the positive and life-changing impact we could have on others, because we shared our testimony of a difficult time in our lives. Going through tough times in life is not easy and perhaps sharing those experiences with others may not be easy either. But God knows that by sharing our testimonies, everyone can be strengthened and encouraged. May we realize while we are going through difficulties and afterward, that our pain and suffering do not have to be wasted. It can be used to bring hope and healing to others.



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