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- Thirst For Righteousness?
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. Matthew 5:6 (ESV) Blessed are they who observe justice, who do righteousness at all times! Psalm 106:3 (ESV) In living life day to day, do you find yourself thirsting after God’s Righteousness? As we go about our lives, we at times get caught up in the struggles and the cares of this world, that pull us from one situation to the next. And seeking to thirst after God’s Righteousness, is not always at the forefront of our minds. When we hunger for God and His righteousness, we are seeking to make the right decisions and choices on a daily basis. That may sound easy but sometimes it can be a challenge. For example, in life sometimes we are given an option to take shortcuts, in order to help us in our various tasks. But by doing so, this ultimately might help us, but not so with others. By taking the shortcut, we may make it harder for another who comes along and picks up our slack. This scenario can happen at work, school, or in any area of our personal lives. In that scenario, was God’s Righteousness being displayed? We all have to agree no, it was not. The decision was made to do what was good for us, knowing, later on, someone else may have to pay the price. In seeking to do what’s right, always base your thoughts and actions on what Jesus would do in the situation versus a worldly response. In the world, there are a lot of popular views on various topics, on how to interact in society and with each other. Some of these views are trendy and what everyone else is doing, therefore, it is considered acceptable behavior. For a while, we may go along with these worldly views and feel content, as if we are part of the mainstream. For instance, in a non-marital relationship, some decisions and behaviors may be in line with what everyone is doing, but those actions, are very contrary to what God says in His Holy Word. Some will continue to listen to the world and make decisions based on worldly happiness but eventually, there will come a time when they are no longer fulfilled, or at peace. Ultimately, they may find when they get to the end of that journey, there is nothing but emptiness, pain, and hurt. I challenge us all to thirst for God’s Righteousness. To pray on a daily basis for the desire of God and His Holiness. God said in His word we all are born into sin, meaning, we all have a desire for sin and sinful pleasures. We are not born with a natural desire for God’s Holiness. However, let’s continue to pray and seek to have God’s Righteousness, in our day-to-day decisions. May we not be fooled or pulled away from right living, by the shiny pleasures the world offers. Pray that we will have the mindset to always stay on the path of God’s truth. Eventually, as we continue to do this, we will find ourselves filled with His Spirit and, at peace. Thirst for God’s Righteousness always… Blessings, Angélique To contact:
- Emotional and Relational Maturity
When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways. 1 Corinthians 13: 11 (ESV) Two characteristics one should possess would be emotional and relational maturity. A person should always strive to obtain a high level of maturity for themselves and look to seek other individuals who strive for the very same. A definition I found on emotional maturity says this: “Emotional maturity is defined as how well you are able to respond to situations, control your emotions and behave in an adult manner when dealing with others. Being able to have a rational conversation with your significant other when you disagree instead of throwing things and ranting and raving is an example of showing emotional maturity.” As we all grow and evolve, may we strive to be emotionally mature individuals that operate with realistic and honest expectations of ourselves, as well as other people. May we learn to accept responsibility for our actions, our happiness, and/or our unhappiness. To not place the burden of pleasing us onto others, nor looking to blame them for our bad choices and/or life outcomes. Whether it is business, personal, or romantic relationships, we should all seek to partner with individuals who show emotional maturity. We should always keep pursuing to better ourselves in all areas of life, especially in the areas of emotional and relational maturity. For relational maturity, I was not able to find a clear-cut definition. Most of the definitions dealt with romantic relationships only. However, in coming up with my own definition for relational maturity, I have determined the following: a person who exhibits stability and dependability. They give their word and will do what they say, and/or stand by their commitments. They understand the importance of honesty in all of their dealings with others. They are the opposite of immature meaning, they are not spoiled or wanting their way all the time. And if they cannot get their way, they do not go around pouting or having a sour disposition. They understand how to regulate themselves (that comes with emotional maturity) and gauge their responses to situations, when faced with different, and sometimes not so pleasant outcomes. They understand to not expect perfection from other people because they know they are not perfect. They understand accepting others and their differences can lead to mutual understanding in various situations. They understand when dealing with another individual, whether it be business or personal, there will be situations that need to be addressed or discussed respectfully, due to misunderstandings. They are willing to be open to see another’s point of view and to not pass judgment or speak harmful words against another. They strive to respect another person’s outlook in life and the contributions this other person may bring to the relationship. When learning to be emotionally and relationally mature, one can always look to the Master Architect of our world, and of us, God and His Word. I’ve stated many times the Bible is God’s blueprint for how we all can live our best lives. Chapters in the Bible that discuss how to live as emotionally and relationally mature people would be the Psalms, Proverbs, Song of Solomon, and Ecclesiastes. Quite honestly throughout the Bible, you will find how we should behave individually, as well as collectively, as a community. The Bible teaches us all how to become the best versions of ourselves and how to treat others with love and respect. I encourage us all to work on ourselves emotionally and relationally. To always strive for the maturity level that pleases God and is a blessing to those we meet. Blessings, Angélique To contact:
- Hold On…With God’s Help
Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 (ESV) I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 (ESV) In the time that we’re living in, so many are struggling to stay healthy and stay alive. I’m referring to the COVID-19 Pandemic that has engulfed this nation, as well as the entire world. As I write this I know of loved ones, church family, friends, and coworkers, who are battling and/or have battled, this virus. Even though the worries and concerns about the pandemic are ever before us, sometimes we forget there are others still struggling with different issues like other health crises, negative family changes, and looming debt-financial situations. As we look around it seems we all are struggling to keep a positive present, as well as future outlook, while still going about our lives day by day. It seems many are becoming discouraged, disheartened, and wondering will this ever end. This is a question we all have in our minds but in truth, man has no known answer. We all hope and pray that this time and season of life will come to an end soon. But the future and its promises, are ultimately in the hands of God. Despite the gloom of this pandemic, and perhaps other issues as well, I want to encourage us all to dig deep in our faith and trust in God. To truly rest in Him is to give our lives (present and future), as well as the lives of our friends and loved ones, to Him. When we are uncertain of what tomorrow has in store for us, let’s remember God is already there in the future, working out the Master Plan. Despite what we see around us and the doubts we may be feeling, let us reach deep inside and hold onto the notion that no matter what happens, we will be secure in God, and His plan for our lives. We will hold on to God even when we do not understand and do not feel the assurance that everything will be alright. As the strong winds and storms of life blow against us, no matter what, we will hold fast and hang on to God, His Word, and His Principles. Blessings, Angélique To contact:
- God’s Open Arms
…But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him. 21 And the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’ Luke 15:20-21 The Prodigal Son story is a very moving example that reminds us of the extent of God’s love, for His children. You may at times feel you have traveled or strayed so far from God, that you are lost forever. However, God’s word throughout the Bible, and especially in the Prodigal Son story, tell of His love and care, for us all. This life is definitely hard at times, for all of us. The difficulties could be due to circumstances we were born into via our family network or, due to our own actions. During those times we may find ourselves lost, and adrift in life. We feel as if we failed and cannot make it back into God’s good graces. But this story and many others in the Bible, let us know we are God’s children, and He loves us with an unmeasurable amount of love and care. It is up to us to look within and assess where we are in life. To stop and take a good look at our current situation, just like the prodigal son did. I pray that no matter where we are in life, we all will come to that moment when we realize we cannot make it in this world without Him. That we, like the prodigal son, will come to ourselves, get up, and go back to our Spiritual Father, which is God our Creator. If you find yourself wanting to return to God but feeling inadequate or ashamed, realize in your heart He loves you, and His arms are open to receive you. As much as possible, never allow this world and its various vices, pull you away physically, emotionally, and mentally from God. However, if you ever find yourself lost and wandering, always remember you can run back to God. His arms are always wide open to receive you! Blessings, Angélique To contact:
- Don’t Be Derailed!!
See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ. Colossians 2:8 (ESV) Having the appearance of godliness but denying its power. Avoid such people. 2 Timothy 3:5(ESV) In a morning devotion, I heard the Pastor state we need to be cautious of who we allow in our circle of influence. We have perhaps all heard this warning stated by other pastors, speakers, and writers; and I believe we all can attest to its truth. Last week I wrote about integrity, and how we all need to constantly develop its character traits. In living our lives, we will meet many different people and personality types. However, the ones who you chose to keep close to you, including family and friends, need to be on the same trajectory and mindset as yourself. And, they definitely need to have the integrity we discussed last week. All of us should want to live the life that God has ordained for each of us. We need to realize what He has purposed for you and I will impact this world for the better. And in living out that purpose, hopefully, we will seek to surround ourselves with others who have a mindset and a life trajectory, that is very much God-centered. As we stay close to God and His principles, we will desire to be closely aligned with others who are like-minded. With God’s guidance, we will not allow individuals into our inner circle, who will seek to derail us from our Godly purpose in this life. In interpreting God’s word in Matthew 7:15, it basically states one needs to be careful of wolves in sheep’s clothing. Also, as we read in the verses for today, we must be careful of those who seem to walk and talk honorably however, their actions and their thought patterns, are far from God. If possible, we must not allow these people to be in our inner circle of influence. Of course, we always need to be kind and loving to all people but, we must be careful of who we allow in our inner circle. We must do our best to not allow anyone to derail us from our Godly mission in this world. Not allow ourselves to be lured or steered away from God’s principles by worldly customs or ideals. Keep your resolve and focus to be the best God created you to be. And remember, do not be derailed!! Blessings, Angélique To contact:
- Integrity
Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out. Proverbs 10:9 (ESV) And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them. Luke 6:31 (ESV) Integrity definition: The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. This word encompasses one of my favorite core virtues and values that a person should possess. In all relationships I hope to form, whether it be romantic, business, friends, family members, and church family members, I seek out individuals who possess integrity. I pray that all of us will seek to be a person of integrity and will look to associate with others who embody this quality. People with integrity are generally known to be trustworthy, honest, and kind. I read an article where it was stated that integrity lays the foundation, as well as being fundamental, for all other virtues. Let’s take a moment to break down some of the main components that make up integrity. Humility: The virtue of humility encompasses people who are humble and not haughty. They tend to not be arrogant nor think too highly of themselves. Joyful spirit: These are individuals who seek to enrich the lives of those they meet, without seeking anything in return. They look forward to helping better other people’s lives and are not so consumed, with just bettering themselves. Authentic: They seek to show their true selves, in all situations. They do not live in a manipulative/ lying atmosphere. You know who they really are, and what they really stand for. Kind: When you encounter them, they are considerate individuals. They have problems just like everyone but ultimately, they look to always exhibit kindness and patience towards others. From time to time, they too will run out of patience in dealing with various situations and people however, it is not the norm for them to be impatient, arrogant, and rude, on a consistent basis. Lying: They are not known, liars. They do not look to tell big, intricate, or even small, insignificant lies. For them, lying, whether big or small, is wrong on all levels. Trustworthy: They stick to what they said they would do, as much as possible. They try to do everything to complete agreed-upon deadlines and schedules. Also, in being trustworthy, they own up to their errors. If they know they did something wrong, they’re not going to try and pin it on someone else or blame others for the cause of their mistakes. They own up to whatever shortcomings they have and look to try to rectify the situation. Even-tempered: They do not have violent outbursts and tempers on a regular basis. There may be times of being very upset and angry but, that is not their true nature, nor their way of handling themselves. It’s a rarity to see them very angry and having violent outbursts. In describing integrity, of course, it sounds like the perfect person. However, all of us are sinners saved by the grace of God through the blood of His Son Jesus Christ. What I am suggesting, is that all of us strive to embody the qualities of integrity and seek to always increase these qualities in our lives. All should strive to have integrity be a part of their core character. We all should long to have these character traits become intricately a part of who we are, and how we operate in society. As you go about living your life, strive to be a person with high integrity. Strive to be humble, trustworthy, and kind, to everyone that you meet. Blessings, Angélique To contact:
- Now We Believe?
So Jesus said to him, “Unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe.” John 4:48 (ESV) I recently read the story of the widow whose son was brought back to life by Elijah the Prophet, in 1st Kings 17: 23-24. What came to me was what she told Elijah after he gave her back her son. She told him, now she believes he is a man of God. When you stop to ponder her comment, it would also seem, what she was saying is that now, she believes in God and His power, as well. Here is a question for us all. What has to happen in our lives, for us to believe God exists? Do we have to have huge miraculous signs and wonders, performed before our eyes? Or will we believe by just beholding God’s creation: birds in the sky, the air we breathe, waking up each day, the sun/daylight, and the moon/stars at night? Will the thought of various forms of creation coming to life on this earth, be enough for us to realize He exists? Do you ever find it strange that as humans, we ask God to perform supernatural works and acts for us to believe in Him? Yet in our various relationships with people, flawed and sinful as we all are, we don’t require them to perform great signs of wonder, in order for us to believe and trust in them. Sometimes we don’t require very much from people at all before we begin to open up and totally believe and trust in them. But with God, at times we feel He has to do something spectacular in order for us to follow and trust Him. God, the ultimate Creator of the universe and of every living creature, we still require Him to “prove” Himself, time and time again. Requesting God to pass various tests and fulfill high expectations that we would not dare require from another human being. I pray that we all take a moment out of our busy lives and appreciate God by really taking a good look around. Start by looking in the mirror and thanking Him for the marvelous creation of you. Then look around you with childlike wonder and admiration, at other people and all of His creation. Believe and know that He does not have to “prove” to any of us that He is real, and that He exists! Just believe that He does! Blessings, Angélique To contact:
- Assumptions
“Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.” John 7:24 (ESV) “Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven…Luke 6:37 (ESV) If you see a male individual dressed in baggy pants, a T-shirt, tennis shoes, and a hoodie, what would your assessment be? Especially if this individual was part of the black or brown race, with ethnic or natural styled hair? What would be your first assessment upon seeing this individual coming towards you? Would you immediately think investment banker, a store/business owner, an electrical or computer engineer, a doctor, or a lawyer? Will that be your immediate assessment? Or would you think this individual was from the “poor side” of town, part of the lower echelon of society? Would you think he most likely has a criminal background, and more often than not, probably does not make good life decisions? Now taking the same descriptions above, change his racial profile to being white or Asian. Does that impact your initial assessment? How about if we change the profile to a female who is black or brown-skinned? What is your assessment then? And if we changed it once more to a white female, what would be your assessment? In looking at various individuals who we do not know, all of us from the human family will make assessments based on how we were raised, our circle of influence, as well as societal programming. The programing from society can be from various platforms of the media: print, television, radio, podcasts, music, etc. And depending on our background of influence, we all will make assumptions about certain individuals, based on their outward appearance. Making assumptions about people is something God does not want any of His children to do. In the past, I wrote a couple of articles entitled God’s Kids, parts 1 and 2. And it was true then as well as now, that all of us, no matter our race, size, religious background, ethnicities, social-economic status, etc., are His children. He created every human being and every creature on this earth. He created the earth itself along with the stars, moon, constellations, etc. Everything living and created can be traced back to God. And He does not take kindly to any of His children, making wrong assumptions about another. Especially formulating negative assumptions, before you actually come to know the other individual. Perhaps they do come from a poorer section of society, but that does not mean they should be automatically considered bad people. Likewise, some people may come from the higher levels of society with a lot of money, power, and influence, and that does not necessarily make them good people. As God’s children, we need to step back and view His world and His kids (all of us) as a work in progress. We all have issues, various trials, and tribulations, as we live out our lives. Therefore, when you see someone who’s crossing your path, don’t assume the worst of this individual. Still look to treat every human being with kindness, dignity, and respect. Because for all you know, the person could be an investment banker, a doctor, a philanthropic individual who gives back to their community. Also, we must realize we could be entertaining angels when we meet strangers. The Bible states plainly in Hebrews 13:2; “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares”. Look to carry God’s love and humility with you wherever you go. And if you see a stranger, don’t assume you know about his or her life. Show Christlike behavior in your greeting, then continue on your life’s journey. Blessings, Angélique To contact:
- Verify then Trust!
Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Psalm 37:3 (ESV) And all the people shall hear and fear and not act presumptuously again. Deuteronomy 17:3 (ESV) How well do you trust people? The people you are getting to know, and even those who you have casually known for some time? When you decide to begin trusting another, you must look to gain clarity and verification of this person, prior to divulging a lot about yourself. Determine who they are as a person. Meaning are they always honest and walk with integrity? Or do they joke around often (even on serious matters) and tell “little lies” on a regular basis? How do they interact with others who are in their presence? And then, what do they say about this other person when they are no longer in their presence? Are they genuine and kind both times? It is essential to determine what this person stands for and, where they are coming from with what they say, and the choices they make. Prior to giving so much of yourself to this person, try and learn who they really are and what their lifestyle entails. This is especially important when you’re entering into a new relationship with someone, and you are trying to get to know them. Prior to divulging intimate details, determine if they are genuine. You can sometimes find out a lot about a person, depending on the friends and associates they are constantly around. As you continue to get to know them, look to verify as much as you can, and then begin to trust as you move forward. Along this journey, you needed to have already worked on yourself emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually, using God’s Holy word as your guide and blueprint. So, when you begin entering into romantic and business relationships, in addition to friendships, you will be able to determine if this is a person you wish to continue a close relationship. Now, we must keep in mind all of us are human and we are all sinners saved by the grace of God. That being said, from time to time we all make mistakes. So don’t immediately feel a person is not one to be trusted over a mistake. However, if one sees a negative pattern emerge with this individual, then you must proceed with caution or, do not proceed at all. In moving forward in any serious relationship, seek to verify and then trust at every stage of your journey. Making sure they and you, are in step and in line with God’s principles, as you move forward on your life’s path. Blessings, Angélique To contact:
- Inner Beauty
But let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious. 1Peter 3:4 (ESV) So, you also outwardly appear righteous to others, but within you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness. Matthew 23:28 (ESV) Most of us spend a lot of time with our outward looks and beauty. We go to the gym or other places in order to work out and hopefully achieve the beautiful bodies we are working towards. I want to stress a point here, working out and being in the best shape is not a bad thing. However, it can be problematic if we make it an obsession. In addition, we spend a lot of time and money on clothes-shopping and getting the right outfits to accent our body shape. We spend time and money on hair, make-up, and other various skin and beauty/body treatments. Again, when having all of these things done, in moderation, can be extremely important and can play a vital role in our mental and emotional health. However, have you ever stopped to think about the amount of time and money, spent on working on our outward appearance? In contrast, have you ever considered how much time, if any, is spent on developing our inward beauty? Inward beauty in the form of spiritual health and wellness? What would happen, if we decided to put the same amount of time, money, and effort, into developing our inward characteristics of humility, honesty, and integrity? Focusing on improving the inner self, we would not have hypocrisy and lawlessness, as is referenced in Matthew 23:28. Spending time developing your inward beauty is just as important, if not even more so, than working on the outward. If we all sought to apply concerted effort in being a better person internally, this world would be a very different place. If we took the time to really work on getting closer to God and work on aligning our principles with His, this world would have less strife, chaos, and destruction. So, as you go about living your life, look to incorporate a diligent effort in strengthening your inner beauty in the form of Godly characteristics. Look to become a more patient, loving, humble, and kind person, wherever you go and in all circumstances. It will not always be easy. Life’s struggles and various people will push your limits, from time to time. But if we make a concerted effort to work on strengthening and improving our inner beauty, as much as we do our outward appearance, what a beautiful change would occur in our lives, as well as the lives around us. Blessings, Angélique To contact:
- On Loan From God
A Psalm of David. The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein…Psalm 24:1 (ESV) The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, declares the Lord of hosts. Haggai 2:8 (ESV) For every beast of the forest is mine, the cattle on a thousand hills. I know all the birds of the hills, and all that moves in the field is mine. Psalm 50:10-11 (ESV) In my devotion the other day, the devotional thought began with this statement by Evangelist Billy Graham: “We come into life with empty hands -and it is with empty hands that we leave it.” When we look at our lives now, the possessions, the money, the people, and our positions in society, we may feel we “own” it all. At times we’ll have the feeling we are in total control and have total and complete ownership, of everything and everyone that “belongs” to us. However, when we stop and really think about it, we own nothing and no one. Our Father God is the one who owns it all. He is the everlasting creator and sustainer. Everything and everyone we have in our lives belongs to Him, and Him only. We must remember all that we have, is on loan to us as we live out our time here on His Earth. In truth our very lives, and the time we are here on earth, are on God’s timetable. So, if you ever find yourself becoming upset and fighting with others over possessions or even, over people, stop and remember who owns it all, and who is truly in control. God is the one who loans and shares with us all. When we put that thought into perspective, we realize we are called to make Godly choices, do the best we can, with whom we can, for as long as we can. Make a point daily to connect with God and to live the life that He’s given you, with purpose. May we all continue to thank God for all He has given to us, on loan, every day. Blessings, Angélique To contact:
- Weapons Formed Against You
No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is from Me,” says the LORD. Isaiah 54:17 (NKJV) During a morning prayer devotion not too long ago, Pastor Rupert Bushner of Patmos Chapel had emphasized the first part of today’s verse. At the beginning of the verse, it states, “no weapons formed against you shall prosper”. Most of us when reading this verse focus on the weapons will not prosper part of the verse. But during devotion he pointed out, it did not say there will be no weapons, it stated: “they will not prosper”. The point being is this: we all will have “weapons” or rather, trials and tribulations in this life. These trials and tribulations can, and will at times, come from the actions of others. These hurtful actions are the “weapons” God is referring to in this verse. There may be times when a person or persons do not treat you as they should. There may be situations that you cannot control that may hurt you and/or your family deeply. Despite the pain and set back that may occur as a result, if we cling to God and His promises, those “weapons that were formed against us” will not ultimately win out; ultimately, they will not succeed. By staying connected to God, in time you will grow and succeed in living the life He has planned for you. So, when others seek to do harm to you and/or your loved ones, do not allow the thought and feeling to creep into your heart and mind, that they will succeed in their evil plans. Know and trust God’s word when He says He will not leave you nor forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:8) during this time and, remember when He says, no weapon formed against you will prosper! Blessings, Angélique~ To contact: