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- Managing Stress!
Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 (ESV) For me, this past week was extremely stressful. So much so it began to manifest itself in physical ways in my body. I distinctly remember the slow but steady tightening of my jaw on the left side of my face. From time to time most of us have all been under extreme stress, and we felt it emotionally, mentally, or physically. I like to share if this is happening or has happened to you or a loved one, I encourage everyone to not try to “toughen up” and stay in a stressful situation. Please step away and engage in a de-stressing activity. I am sure many people who stayed in the stressful situation ended up having strokes, heart attacks, or some other form of health issues, related to ongoing stress. Various medical articles state that stress over a period of time is usually the underlying cause of many current diseases and injuries. Just like a construction worker knows how much stress a building can take in certain areas, we too need to realize our body can only take so much stress as well. And as a builder reinforces weaker stress areas of a building so that it will not destabilize, we too need to do what we can to minimize our stress and, have de-stressor activities ready for us to engage in. As for me, I logged off my computer, pushed away from my desk, and left my office. I had a nice dinner and actually watched a couple of funny game shows as my choice for de-stressing. Within an hour after stepping away, the tightness left, and I felt like myself again. Let this be a wake-up call for anyone to not try and “tough it out” when you feel the physical manifestations of stress. We are all human and at times we may be given a warning as it did for me. My prayer for you is that you will have ideas of what you will do, or look to do continually, in order to avoid stress in your life. Below are just some helpful de-stressor suggestions… Laughter-watch a funny video clip, game show or movie. Play with a pet –if you have a pet, playing with them or cuddling them can be very soothing or relaxing. For those who do not have pets, you may enjoy watching a funny animal video, instead. Engage in focused breathing and/or progressive muscle relaxation Take a walk, do yoga, stretching or other forms of exercise Hug a loved one Light a candle or have aromatherapy diffusers Turn to a favorite hobby Go to a quiet place and read and/or write in a journal Make sure to eat a balanced diet Daily express gratitude to God for what He has already provided. As you journey through your life and encounter stress, pray to God to help you cope, and trust and believe that He will. Look to incorporate the de-stressors mentioned above or some not listed here. The ultimate prayer for all is that you manage your stress!! Blessings, Angélique
- The Armor of God
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. Ephesians 6:10-11 In this life when we face various trials, struggles, and temptations, God states in Ephesians 6, we need to take up the whole armor of God. Let us understand the “armor” God is referring to in these verses. The full armor is His holy word and His precepts. I have shared before that God’s holy word, the Bible, is the blueprint for us living our best lives. In them you will find the following: Belt of truth or rather honesty & integrity. Choose to live your life on a consistent basis where you look to make honest and right choices; despite at times being tempted to go with what is popular. The breastplate of righteousness-meaning to internally seek to have an upright and honest heart. Again, always seeking to do what is right. Not trying to take advantage or manipulating others. Strapping shoes to your feet, ready to share the gospel of peace-This is when you are to share God’s love and truth with others. Using God’s word and His truths to uplift others as well as yourself. With the Shield of faith– With complete faith and trust in God, you will be able to extinguish Satan’s attacks on your life. The cares and troubles of this life can weigh you down however, by having strong faith in God, we can overcome any obstacles. The helmet of Salvation is knowing we are saved by the grace of God and the blood of His Son Jesus. When you think of the helmet, think of allowing God’s thoughts and processes to be an intricate part of your true self. And combine all the above with the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. With His Word, we will be able to handle what comes our way in this life. So, if you are in need of encouragement or are looking to give encouragement to others, learn to daily put on the Armor of God, and go out into the world, ready for battle! Blessings, Angélique P.S. Take time to read Ephesians 6: 10-18
- God, Please Change My Life!
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10 (ESV) Have you ever looked at your life and really prayed that God will change your surroundings and your circumstances? Prayed that His blessings would just change your life’s direction? But have you thought that sometimes when we pray that prayer, (I’m included), that we are praying amiss? Meaning we are missing the key factor of that prayer, which us! What God is trying to convey to all His children is that He is trying to get us to change, not so much the people or circumstances that surround us. In a sermon, I once heard Pastor TD Jakes say this, “how dare we ask God to change our circumstances and ignore Him when He’s trying to change us!” We need to get into a mindset of allowing God to change our hearts and minds and be willing to accept and receive His instructions for change. A lot of the times your circumstances, as well as mine, will change, because of a change that has taken place in us. When looking to change your current circumstances look around you, at the circle of influence that surrounds you. If the individuals, groups, and/or activities you are involved in, are holding you back and not pushing you towards God’s glory, then you need to look to change that circle of influence. When we allow ourselves to be changed by God, we will become strengthened and able to withstand any circumstance that surrounds us. I am not saying it will always be easy to allow changes in our lives. Not saying life will always be happy times even if we do allow God to change us. However once changed from within, when life seems to crumble and fall apart, we will be able to stand and not be destroyed from those outward circumstances. As God’s word says in Isaiah 40:31, “they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” Let us allow God’s beautiful change to take place in our lives. Then as we step into our life’s path, let us soar! Blessings, Angélique
- Marry Yourself First!!
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. Psalm 139:14 Have you ever really read over the traditional marriage vows, promising what you will do for another person? Have you looked at the vows, in a healthy, loving way, and said them to yourself? Let’s look at some of the wording of a traditional marriage vow, in order to share this insight. In a section of the vows, the parties will usually say yes to the following: “Will you have this person to be your lawful wedded spouse, to live together after God’s ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love, comfort, honor, and keep them in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, as long as you both shall live?” Now take these same vows, turn them around slightly and from a healthy perspective, say them to yourself. For instance, ask yourself, am I true to myself under God’s Holy ordinance? Will I seek to care for, love and comfort myself? Will I seek to be honorable to myself and my Godly values? Will I forsake being with others, in a way that does not please God? Another section of the vows talks about being with the other for better or for worse, richer or poorer. Ask yourself this, do I have a good healthy outlook as a single person, and not beat myself up or put myself down over past mistakes? Prior to looking to marrying another person, one needs to really and truly marry oneself. You should be saying these vows to yourself and have them firmly established prior to you saying them to another individual. To become healed and whole as a single person, first seek God, then a healthy relationship with yourself, before you look to seek other people. Understand that when you vow to love you, it is not just mere words, but a deep knowing within, that you and you alone, are a great and awesome child of God. When you really get comfortable and happy in your company, and when the time is right (and if it is in His will), God will allow that new partner to come into your life. You will be able to recognize them because you will come from a place of wholeness and not from a place of longing and lack. Be true and faithful to you, your beliefs, your boundaries, your core being. For instance, do not look to date or seek a relationship when you are craving acceptance and approval from another person. It’s not fair to them and it’s definitely not fair to yourself, to deal with that type of pressure. You do not need to look to another person for approval. The only approval we should all seek is from God. Whether we are living our lives and interacting with others, in a way that pleases Him. As you look to move forward in any relationship ask yourself, am I being loving, true, and faithful to myself? It is a totally different approach to relationships when you’re already committed to yourself and your Godly principles. Gone is the fairy tale mentality of looking for another person to rescue you. After all, the only true rescuer is God through His Son Jesus Christ! Blessings, Angélique
- You Will Do, What You Want To Do
Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So, glorify God in your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (ESV) Have you tried to diet and exercise in order to get in shape, but then stopped? You gave up and stated I cannot lose weight, eat healthy foods or get in shape. With romance, have you been involved in relationships that you know do not honor God or His principles? Illicit affairs, casual sexual encounters, fornication, and other vices that you know, go against God’s word? And yet, you keep telling yourself you know it is wrong, but you cannot stop? There are those who look to harm their bodies by ingesting drugs or watching pornography. Then there are those who look to gossip and lie on others. Or make fun and put others down, for one reason or another. All listed above (and others not listed), will take a toll on your mind, your emotions, and your body. Your body, which was purchased by the blood of Jesus, and is to be the temple of God. Now, there will be those who say, I can’t lose weight, I have no willpower. I can’t say no to this illicit relationship. I’m not gossiping, I’m just talking to friends. Or I just can’t stop watching pornography and/or ingesting this substance. However, have you stopped to think everyone (for the most part) has the ability to make a decision on what they will or will not do? For instance, if I said I will give a million dollars to lose weight, to stop engaging in illicit behaviors, to stop gossiping/lying, or to stop ingesting drugs or pornography, would you stop? Would you truly seek out the help you needed, in order to stop? I guarantee, almost everyone would make up their mind to really try, in order to get the money. They would look to do it with no questions and no excuses. So, if for a million dollars you would choose to stop, why not choose to stop because you are worth so much more? The verse today states our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Our bodies are to be holy and set aside for God. You and I are worth far more than money. Our Savior Jesus Christ died for us, so that we may have the right to eternal life. However, while we are alive and functioning on this Earth, God wants us to have abundant and healthy lives. Now, I am not saying everything is our choice. There are things that happen, that may not be based on our choices. But there are many things that are the direct consequences of our choices. The next time you think I can’t do this or that, realize you are choosing to do what you want to do. I pray however, you will seek God and choose His way of thinking and His way of living. That you will make the choice to honor Him, and the beautiful body He has given to you. So, in doing what you want to do, look to choose the Godly way of life, always. Blessings, Angélique
- Does God Want Talents (Gifts) Or Your Obedience?
To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice. Proverbs 21:3 (ESV) So, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go. First, be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gifts. Matthew 5:23-24 (ESV) All of God’s children have gifts and talents that He has given from above. The various gifts/talents are orchestrated by God to all work together, for the uplifting of His people. Some of these gifts and talents are considered exceptional and persons who possess them may receive constant praise from others. And instead of showing kindness and humility when they are showered with praises, they begin to show superiority and look down upon others. They look at others’ gifts/talents as not “important” and feel they can truly disregard those with seemingly lesser gifts. They put down others openly or in backhanded ways, in order to feel lifted up, important, or special. God is not pleased when these same boastful persons come to exhibit their gifts/talents before Him, knowing they have offended and wronged their fellow sisters and brothers. As the verse in Proverbs 21:3 says, God desires justice, not sacrifice. Meaning He wants us to present a humble and considerate disposition. To not ill-treat others with bad behavior, then look to come before Him showering “sacrificial” gifts and talents. He is not pleased. He states in Matthew 5:23-24, to go and first make it right with the one you have wronged, then come before Him with your gifts. We must always ask ourselves, have we wronged our brother or sister? And if we have, did we go and ask forgiveness? Or do we carry on, having not made it right, yet looking to present our gifts/talents before God? God says clearly in 1 Samuel 15:22, “to obey is better than sacrifice.” Meaning to listen and follow His teachings and, to treat others as we would want to be treated. Seek to live a life of humility, integrity, and kindness to all you meet. Of course, use the gifts and talents God has given you. And if you have wronged anyone in any way, make sure to go and ask for forgiveness, before coming before the Lord, bearing your gifts. May God be well pleased with you and I, as we seek to live out our best life. Blessings, Angélique
- Workers of Lawlessness!!
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness. Matthew 7:21-23 I came across the above verses, in my recent daily devotion. I have read these verses many times before however what came to me at that time was this: “Who are the workers of lawlessness, that Jesus is referencing”? Is He referring to the people in the world, who do not know God? Or is He perhaps referring to the ones who go to church, and profess a relationship with God? Based on my studies, I believe God is speaking to those who profess to have a relationship with Him. Upon reading these verses, you get the sense of stinging criticism from God to His followers. He is speaking to those who feel they are “Holy” because they go to church, feed the homeless, praise/worship Him, and partake in ministries within and outside of His church. All of these works are needed and are wonderful, but the problem is not in doing good works outwardly, the problem lies within. Some who partake in doing good works may still hold onto boastfulness, arrogance, rage, mean-spirited talk as well as evil thoughts towards others. Outwardly they appear pious and holy, but inwardly, they have not allowed God to penetrate their hearts and change them from within. One can easily get caught up in doing good deeds for others and the work of the church but, neglect the heart which is essentially our thoughts and our characters. As Psalm 51:10 states, “Create in me a clean heart oh God, and renew a right Spirit within me”. No one should think by doing good deeds, they are “securing” their spot in heaven. This is far from the truth if their heart and minds are not focused on being true disciples of God. Seek to continue to help the church and God’s people with your various gifts and talents. However, make sure you maintain a close relationship with God and His word. Seek to ask the Holy Spirit to come into your heart and mind daily. As you move forward in doing God’s work, it will not be just for show, but you will truly look to do His will, because of your love for Him, and His people. Blessings, Angélique
- Show Compassion Not Judgment
“….For, I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world.” John 12:47 (NIV) Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience,…Colossians 3:12 (ESV) When you notice a person dressed inappropriately or see a person who appears to be poor, not having this world’s material goods, what is your first reaction, honestly? Do you have compassion or judgment? I wrote an article last year that dealt mainly with judgment. Today I would like to focus on compassion. When we look at those around us, do we place on them our own ideas about who they are, how they should walk, talk, and behave? Even Jesus in John 12:47 states His main reason for coming to this world was to save it and not to judge. If Jesus, the Creator God, did not look to judge others but to show compassion in order to save them, who are we, to not do the same? It is not only in the world we sometimes do not show compassion but even in the church. We look at a person outwardly and feel we have the right to assess them based on what we see. Not knowing the individual or anything about their life story. We at times, look to condemn them, allowing judgment and not compassion to take over. As we go about our lives from here on out, let compassion rule in our thoughts and in our hearts always when looking to assess others. We must keep in mind we only see the surface we do not know their whole story. Seek to get into the habit of praying and asking God to be with them in their life’s journey. As the verse in Colossians 3:12 states, we are God’s chosen ones, we are His sons and daughters, holy and beloved. He wants us to have compassionate hearts, and to show kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, with all those we meet. Blessings, Angélique
- Turn Your Pain Into Blessings!!
“To console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they may be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.” Isaiah 61:3 (NKJV) I started this blog in January of 2020. God gave me this ministry and told me to share what He brings to me, with the rest of the world. And so, every Friday morning I have looked forward to sharing thoughts His Holy Spirit has given to me, to share with you. I do not take this beautiful ministry lightly. I thank God daily, for sharing with me various topics to write for that week, or the weeks to follow. Truth be told, this ministry started while I was going through heartache and pain after the ending of my marriage. However, as the above verse declares, God can bring beauty out of ashes. I pray the topics that are shared will inspire all of us to become closer to God. Encourage all of us to “step a little higher” in our Christian walk. I hope these blog posts let us know we are God’s children, and He has us in the palm of His Hands (Isa. 49:16). Despite the dark and painful moments, we sometimes face, if we turn to Him, we will find the strength to still march on, knowing God will bring us through. In the midst of our healing from those trying times, God wants to use our testimonies, our stories in order to reach out to others in need. By helping others, God will also continue to help us with our healing and strengthening, as we move forward. How incredible and awesome is our God!! As you move on in life, trust God and look to turn your heartache and pain into blessings to be used by Him. It will not be easy. But by trusting in God every step of the way, we can grow, heal, and help others in the process. We can do this by using the gifts and talents we all have received. Satan wants us to wallow in our pain and curse God (Job 2:9). We must remember we are on this sinful Earth; pain and trying times will come to us all. God does not do evil, nor does He wish any of us to suffer. But know when we do, He is right there with us every step of the way. He is working to turn bad situations around for our good, and the greater good of all humankind. Allow God to turn your hurts/disappointments into blessings and healings for yourself and others. Look to move out in faith and continue in Jesus’ name! And remember, onward Christian Soldier!! Blessings, Angélique
- Wisdom: God’s or the World’s?
Hear instruction and be wise, and do not neglect it. 34 Blessed is the one who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting beside my doors. 35 For whoever finds me finds life and obtains favor from the Lord. Proverbs 8:33-35 Sometimes in life, we look to obtain wisdom from someone who has lived longer than we have. We look for their perspective on life’s situations because of their age, and life experiences. And many times, this is can be very good advice. The only caution however would be this: make sure this wisdom is not contrary to God’s word. It does not matter who gives this advice, family or friend, just make sure it is in line with God. As His children, we need to test any wisdom or advice we get, against His word. I have encountered many friends who have taken advice from people who are older. Only to realize what they shared, was not in line with God and His wisdom. When seeking advice from another (no matter the age), really look at their lifestyle and if they have a relationship with God. And after having received this knowledge, still look to God through prayer and His Holy Word, to see if it aligns. Oftentimes as His children, we act on our own impulses and make major decisions based on what feels good or makes us happy at that moment. Or listen to advice that goes along with that “feel good” impulse. And when those decisions go against God’s word, they usually always will lead, to a downfall. We must remember God’s wisdom is pure, honorable, and true. He knows the past, the present, and the future. Being the Creator and Sustainer of life, He would know what is best for His children; in order for them to live and navigate this world. I encourage you to seek God and Godly wisdom before you look to make any major decisions. Have talks with your Pastor or a Godly advisor. In addition, study God’s word and pray on your own. Try to make decisions that will line up with His Holy word. You might come across those who may laugh or joke about your decisions based on what God says, as opposed to what the world says. But be strong and courageous, just like God told Joshua (Joshua 1:7). Look to follow what God says, and not the contrary advice of man. Always, look to follow God’s wisdom and not the world. Blessings, Angélique
- Gratitude!!
Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ… Ephesians 5:20 (ESV) You are my God, and I will give thanks to you; you are my God; I will extol you. Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever! Psalm 118:28-29 I read an article recently where the writer said every ounce of energy in his body comes from gratitude. Just that sentence alone made me stop to ponder, am I truly that grateful? Where every once of energy comes from gratitude? Do I throughout the day, every day, exude gratefulness? Do you? While we are all living in the current circumstances of a raging pandemic (Covid-19) and economic calamity all around, it can be hard to exude daily, constant, gratefulness. When we see and perhaps know of people suffering from the loss of loved ones, sick themselves, or suffering from the economic fallout, it might be hard to think of being grateful. But it is at that time that one must stop and realize, we are still here. Realize and be grateful for our loved ones, friends, co-workers, and church members. That they are still alive, and they are still here. Not only should we be grateful for the life we have been given, but also for the provisions God has bestowed upon us. To truly be thankful for what He has provided for us, every day. We get sidetracked in this life from time to time, looking at the world or what others have. But we must stop those thoughts when they come, and instead think of others who do not have what you and I have been given. There are times when you meet individuals who seem to have just a little in material possessions and daily provisions, but they praise God fully, and are truly grateful, for what they do have. So, starting today and from now on, seek to be grateful throughout the day, every day. Let us seek to have every fiber of our being, showing complete gratitude to God. For what He has done for us, and our loved ones, and for what He will do. Be grateful for the big things of course, but for the small things as well. Now we know that from time to time, we all will experience heartache, pain, and loss. That is life, for us all. But yet and still, try and make it a practice to have gratitude exude from your being throughout the day, every day. So, what are you grateful for today? Blessings, Angélique
- When the Storms Come, Are You Ready?
46 “Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you? 47 Everyone who comes to me and hears my words and does them, I will show you what he is like: 48 he is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when a flood arose, the stream broke against that house and could not shake it, because it had been well built.[a] 49 But the one who hears and does not do them is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. When the stream broke against it, immediately it fell, and the ruin of that house was great.” Luke 6:46-49 (ESV) In life it is not a question of will the floods come, but when. And in the above passage, Jesus is using a metaphor describing torrential floods, and their destruction. We can apply this same thought to the trials and tribulations of life. All of us from time to time will have stressful and trying times as we live out our lives. The trials can be for us, a family member, friends, school, jobs, etc. So, knowing we will have trying times or “floods”, we need to prepare our hearts and minds for when this happens. As God states in the verses above, those who listen to Him and obey His teachings and commandments will be fortified. By trusting and believing through faith that God will keep His promises, they are building solid foundations. As we look at Luke 6:48, Jesus made a point in saying, “when” the floods come. He did not say “if”. That being the case, we are encouraged to seek to strengthen our hearts, our minds, and our faith; so that when trouble comes to our doorstep, we will be able to withstand it. Likewise, in Luke 6:49, Jesus warns against those who do not listen to His teachings. They feel they can do what they want with their lives, and end up making choices and decisions, contrary to His word. In so doing, when the “floods of life” come, their house will fall. When this happens, this person can still turn and come back to God. They can choose to live their life according to His ways. That is a conscious decision all of us have to make every day. The decision to follow God and build our house (our life) on a solid foundation, based on His principles and precepts. Or we can choose to go against God and follow what the world says is acceptable. My prayer is that we all choose to build our house on a solid foundation using God’s word and precepts. That we will choose to establish a life of prayer and Bible study. That we will frequently ask ourselves this question: “When the storms come, am I ready?” Blessings, Angélique