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  • A Compartmentalized Life

    “Whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked.” 1 John 2:6 (ESV) “I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called,” Ephesians 4:1 (ESV) One of the reasons I started 21st Century Godly Living Blog, was to share how we all can be authentic Christians, in all areas of our lives. From time to time, I believe we all have had a certain demeanor when we’re with church members and fellow believers. However, when we’re not in that setting or in their presence, another demeanor altogether sometimes emerges. In reading an article recently, it inspired me to write this post on how we should not live a compartmentalized life when it comes to our spiritual walk. Many of us have been guilty of separating our work, home, school, or our leisure time selves, from our spiritual selves. We act as if going to church and being spiritual stays at church. But once we step away, another persona then materializes. For instance, in your home life, you act one way, in your work/school life you act another way, and then even still in your leisure activities, another persona comes out. Now I will say at times there will be a slight change in our personalities, depending on the setting and circumstance; and that is understandable. The problem occurs when the change becomes uncomfortable, especially if a church member were standing right behind you. If you feel you would be embarrassed, then you know this persona is not Godly, and not one He would be pleased with. God expects us to be His ambassadors in all areas of our life. We’re not to compartmentalize and have different attitudes and behaviors, depending on the activity, or who we are around. If you’re loving and kind at church, then you should have that same walk, talk, and attitude, in other areas of your life. As God’s people, we need to keep in check our behavior at all times; not just when we are around certain individuals. We need to ask ourselves, are we consistently the same person at church, as we are in, the other areas of our life? Or do we seek to compartmentalize, and become different people depending on the circumstances. I encourage you to allow God and His Holy Spirit, to permeate all aspects of your life, at all times. To seek to walk and talk in Godly love and humility, in everything you say and do. Realize our Heavenly Father is everywhere and sees how we behave, in all aspects of our lives. Seek to daily be the Christian Ambassador He longs for you be. Blessings, Angélique

  • Happy New Year!!

    “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 (ESV) “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11 (ESV) By God’s grace and mercy, we have made it to a new year. Last year was a definite struggle for so many. And we really are not sure about this new year. But we can cling to God’s promise that He will not leave or forsake us. We all from time to time will face challenges. Things may not go the way we had hoped, but through it all, we know and believe that God’s got this. He knows what He’s doing, even if we do not. This year will hold some struggles and challenges but, there will also be happy and prosperous times. Just like the message Job relayed in Job 2:9, do we only take good from God and not accept the bad when it happens? No matter what, may we continue to hold fast to the truth that God has us and this world in His hands. That His Son came to be born of men and to suffer and die for the salvation of humanity. We can trust and believe that no matter what the future holds, God will be with us every step of the way. By continuing to connect with Him through prayer and the studying of His word, we will be guided to live the life we were meant to live. When we allow His Spirit to live in and through us, we will have a positive impact on His people, and His world. May God’s blessings always be upon you and yours now and forever. May you have a happy and prosperous 2021! Happy New Year!! Blessings, Angélique

  • Immanuel!!!

    “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulders, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6 (ESV) “She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1:16 (ESV) Today we celebrate Christmas, the birth of the baby Jesus, the Savior of the world. As the verse in Matthew states, He came to our world, to save His people from their sins. Emmanuel spelled out in the Hebrew language is spelled with an I. The name means God with us. Not only is the Savior known by Immanuel, but He was also given the name Jesus, a name that is known by many throughout the world. As we open presents, eat plenty of holiday foods, and celebrate being with family and friends (even if via a computer due to the Covid-19 pandemic), let us remember the real reason for the celebration. That God sent His only begotten Son to our world. During the holiday season, we can usually find people nicer and giving holiday greetings when they meet. My prayer is that this does not end. That in the coming year we continue to greet and uplift one another in some form or fashion. Make it your normal practice to say hello to strangers as you go to the grocery store. As you pay for your gas at the gas station. Look to open and hold doors for strangers as they come in or leave a store. In whatever way you can, continue to pass God’s love for His people, through many acts of service and loving-kindness to one another. Jesus came to save us from our sins and to show us how to live. He came to show how God expects us to treat each other. May you all have a beautiful and blessed Christmas holiday. Remember to take Jesus with you wherever you go. I pray you seek to spread His message of love to everyone you meet. Happy Holidays… Blessings, Angélique

  • New Year/New Outlook For 2021 & Beyond

    Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17 (ESV) In the coming new year, most will be looking for a new or improved outlook/direction for their lives in 2021 & beyond. With a new year about to begin, it often feels as if we can look to make a fresh start in life. We seek to put away bad habits and establish new routines. We do this hoping to grow psychologically, emotionally, socially, physically, and intellectually. In wanting to make these new year changes, a lot of us start out strong but by mid-January to February, we have all but given up. So, I would like to share a few tips, that will perhaps encourage us to stick to the goal of making these positive changes, as we press on towards a better quality of life. First, have a connection with God and look to determine if what you are looking to change, is in His will. Look to His Holy Word and what it says. Then set out to make a list (not a long one, we’ll explain why later) of positive life changes. Next, be realistic in your goal setting. Do not try to take on everything all at once in the new year. Some changes, in order for them to become a part of your life and permanent, do take time. On the same thought of being realistic is to be specific. For instance, if it is to lose weight, do a little work beforehand. Begin by looking at your age and what weight should be reasonable and attainable. Make sure you speak to your healthcare provider about your goals. Ask yourself, how much exercising can you do with your current schedule? Can you take walks throughout the week if you cannot go or get to, the gym? How many calories are you consuming now and how many should you be, to lose weight? Are you looking at the types of foods you’re eating now and willing to slowly make healthier choices? Now you see I said “slowly” about food choices. But it also applies to the exercise portion as well. We all want to hurry the process and think by doing so, we’ll have the body we want in a month. For most, that is just not reality. It takes time to lose weight in a healthy, and permanent manner. You do not want to do a drastic exercise or diet program (unless under medical orders), as this more often than not, will likely backfire. You will burn yourself out, get discouraged, and then look to quit. Pick one to perhaps three resolutions to work on. You do not want to make a long list, as this will make it a daunting task, even before you begin!! Be concise in what you are wanting to achieve and give yourself time. Again, do not try to rush to get fast results. In being concise, really think and pray about your resolutions. Do not just rush to pick any goal. If you do this, chances are high that you will not stick to it. And when you achieve a goal, even if it is small, be proud and encouraged!! But do not stop, keep going!! It is okay to change or tweak your goals as needed along the way. Do not think you have to stay with the same goal if it is not meeting your objectives. Look to avoid repeating past failures. One way of doing this is by implementing some of the steps we have already gone over. If possible, look to get support from your friends and family. They can prove to be a positive influence to help you reach your full potential. In closing, there will be stumbles and/or roadblocks along the way. Do not let that stop you! Keep going!! Know that you can do this!! With God by your side, you can achieve the goals He has purposed for your life. Blessings, Angélique~

  • Your Love Language & Spiritual Gifts

    With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, Ephesians 4:2 (ESV) As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: 1 Peter 4:10 (ESV) As this year closes and the new year is soon to be upon us, there are many who are looking to put into motion, new plans and resolutions for the coming year. Many are looking to better or improve themselves internally as well as externally. In so doing, I would encourage you to find out who you are regarding your love language and your spiritual gifts. Of course, there are many different personality tests you can take to find out how you are wired and what gifts and talents you have been given. The tests I highlight here (see the link and attachment) are ones I have taken and have found to be very enlightening. I hope they will be for you as well. The first is a test created by Dr. Gary Chapman and is called The 5 Love Languages. This test helps you determine how you are wired for receiving and giving love. And when I talk about love it is not just a romantic form but in all forms. There are tests for couples, singles, teens, as well as children. My results showed quality time high at the top of my list. I encourage you to find your qualities, your love language. In doing so, this will help you know who you are; and if you are seeking a life partner, you will be able to share with them how you are truly wired. And they, in turn, can share the same with you. The Spiritual Gifts Test is from Pastor Gene Wilkes and LifeWay Christian Resources. This test helps you discover the gifts and talents God has given to all of us. By knowing your gifts and talents, you can utilize them by helping your church and in turn, building up God’s kingdom. In addition, you will feel as if you are living out your life’s purpose; doing what God has called you to do here on this Earth. For this test, my results are 1. Prophecy, 2. Shepherding/Faith (tied) and 3. Exhortation. So during this holiday season, take some time out for yourself and take these quizzes. Find out who you truly are and then, use this knowledge to go out and bless God’s people. I encourage you to go out and let your talent, your gift, and your light shine, in your corner of the world. Happy Holidays. Blessings, Angélique~ 5 Love Languages – The 5 Love Languages® Spiritual-Gift-TestDownload

  • Giving Gifts to God

    “The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, declares the Lord of hosts.” Haggai 2:8 (ESV) “Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the first fruits of all your produce;” Proverbs 3:9 (ESV) In last week’s post, it was encouraged to be wary of the materialism and consumerism of the holiday season. This week, I wanted to delve a little bit more into what we are giving, during this giving season, to God. As we go about selecting gifts for our loved ones and friends, let us not neglect our gifts to God. The Christmas holiday is about the celebration of the birth of Jesus, God’s Son, and His gift to the world and to all mankind. During this busy time, stop and ask yourself, what gift am I giving to God? All God asks is for our obedience as His children and, to live honorably with one another. His desire would be for us to spend time getting to know Him through His Holy Word, (the Bible) and in turn getting closer to Him. We look to give our best to others in our gift-giving. We put a lot of thought into what gifts to give, then we will spend time and money, in buying these gifts. But have you ever stopped to think, how God would love your gift of spending time and money seeking Him, and His will for your life? I believe we all at times, have given so much energy to our wants and desires for our lives. And during this time, we may not be giving the same concerted effort to God. Not giving Him our best with our thoughts, time, and money. So, for this holiday season and always, let us seek to give God our best. Not to give him what we have leftover after we are tired and worn out. But to give to Him our “first fruits”. As the above verse indicates, all the silver and gold belong to God. Everything in this world, including us, belong to Him. However, He gives us free will and free choice, to give back to Him, what He has freely given. So, what gifts are you giving to God? Happy Holidays… Blessings, Angélique~

  • Holiday Gift Giving

    “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.   Matthew 6:19-21 (ESV) Here in the United States (and in other parts of the world), today is typically known as Black Friday, the highest shopping day of the year. This typically marks the day when most shoppers go on a spending spree for gifts, for the upcoming Christmas holiday. Shopping and buying gifts for Christmas is a tradition for most people, here in the US and around the world. And most of us really enjoy giving gifts to our loved ones and friends. However, in reading the above verses, this should cause us to put into perspective, holiday shopping, and gift-giving. I am not suggesting we cannot indulge in this tradition. I am merely suggesting, we keep a Godly perspective as we revel in the celebration. As God’s word suggests, we need to really place our mindset on having a heart that is truly focused on God and His plans for our lives. To “store up” His goodness and precepts in our hearts. And to attempt to live and interact with others in a way pleasing to Him. God understands His children’s desires for festive celebrations. However, in reading and studying His word, it is more important for us to be connected with Him and His ways, and not to the material things of this world. We all have material goods and enjoy them. We all have given and received gifts. However, we must keep it all in the proper perspective. These items are not to replace a Godly outlook of life. They are not to replace what is truly important. Enjoy this holiday season and beyond. However, keep the materialism of the holiday in check. Remember the real reason for the Christmas season is to celebrate Jesus’ birth. Seek to understand, acknowledge, and realize the important reason as to why He came to this earth. He came, in order to save all mankind. Happy & Safe Holidays… Blessings, Angélique~

  • Give Thanks!!

    I will give to the Lord the thanks due to His righteousness, and I will sing praise to the name of the Lord, the Most High. Psalm 7:17 (ESV) Here in the United States, we are preparing for the Thanksgiving holiday next Thursday. It is where we look forward to getting with our families and friends (in a smaller setting, due to the Covid-19 pandemic) and celebrating togetherness; being thankful for the blessings God has bestowed upon us. We come together fixing Thanksgiving Dinner, which can be a combination of various foods and dishes that represent various cultures and traditions. But traditions and festivities aside, most of us do pray and give thanks for our life, our families, and friends. In addition, we pray and give thanks for housing, food, clothes, health, finances, and other necessities of life. However, in looking at the heart of today’s verse, it says, “I will give thanks to the Lord for his righteousness and sing praise to the name of the Lord, the Most High”. My question is this, how many actually seek to thank God, for being God? To actually lift thanks and praises to God for Him? Not for us or our loved ones. Not for food, shelter, or clothes. But to just thank Him for being our Lord, the Most High. In writing my blog articles, I am always praying and asking God to be with me as I write. I pray and ask that it may be a blessing to those who read it. However, just now I had to stop myself and say, here I go, asking. In faith, I know He has always been and will be with me as I write. So now I have changed my prayer, to just thanking Him for being Him. I, like many others, are so used to thanking Him for everyone and everything He has given. However, I would like to challenge us to have some of our prayers be given to just say thank you God for being You!! To not have a list of wants or requests. But just to honor and acknowledge Him for who He is, for what He has done, is doing, and will do, for all humankind and for our world. Of course, we all should continue to lift up prayers for our lives, our family, and our friends. But I encourage us to also give praise and thanks to God alone just for who He is, our Lord and Savior Most High. Blessings, Angélique~

  • Look to Die Daily

    I protest, brothers, by my pride in you, which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die every day! 1 Corinthians 15:31 (ESV) What did Paul mean when he said, “I die every day”? I remember when I first read that verse, I was perplexed. Then when I read other verses and heard sermons that talked about this verse in greater detail, I understood. We live in a world that promotes pleasure and, in most places, freedom as well. Where you are encouraged to be your own boss and do whatever makes you happy, makes you feel good. There are slogans that say, “you only live once”!! And “what happens here, stays here”. In the mainstream aspect, the “you only live once” takes on the meaning that you can go out and do what you want to bring pleasure and happiness to yourself. The slogan “what happens here, stays here” usually implies you can do whatever you want and, shh…no one has, to know. But what does God say to all of this in His word? He also wants us to live life to the fullest because we do only have one life to live. However, is He on board with doing whatever you please in order to find your happiness and pleasure? No, He’s not on board with that thought. He knows His children too well to not put limits and boundaries in place for our good, and the good of others. God knows with the sin of this world if His children are left to just seek their pleasures without any limits, what death and destruction we would continually cause to mankind and this world. Therefore, when Paul says he dies daily, he is meaning to sinful thoughts, sinful pleasures & sinful actions. He knows that his flesh and his spirit are carnal by nature and if left to himself without any restrictions, he would cause untold damage and destruction. In order to live a good, wholesome life, we must strive to die daily to our sinful flesh, sinful thoughts, and sinful desires. In so doing, we will not see the married man or woman, flirting with a person that is not their spouse. We won’t see them excusing the playful behavior away and stating: “oh, we’re just friends”. We won’t see people lying and stealing from each other. By dying daily, we won’t see them manipulating situations and trying to twist facts, in order to get the outcome, they want. An outcome that seeks to please their childish egos and temper tantrums; that appeases their delusions of grandeur. God desires all of us to die daily to our sinful self, in order to live daily for His love and purity. His desire is for us to spread His message of love, hope, faith, and patient endurance, to run the race of life. We all feel at times the need to do whatever we want, in order to find pleasure. However, we do not realize the consequences those actions can have for us and others. We cause great harm to ourselves as well as to the individuals in our inner circle. Then as a ripple effect, it hurts our surrounding family, friends, co-workers, and even church members. Case in point when someone commits adultery in the church, it doesn’t just hurt the couple who are in the marriage, it hurts the children, as well as the in-laws and families from both sides. It then branches out and hurts people within the church, from the young to the old. Everyone is negatively impacted and shaken by this act of betrayal. And where did it get it’s start? When we do not die daily to fleshly lust and desires. When we do not die daily, we allow sinful thoughts, desires then actions to take hold; and then before you know it, you’re pulled down Satan’s rabbit hole once again. I encourage you to constantly pray, stay in His Word, and die daily to your own sinful ways and desires. Always, measure your thoughts, feelings, and actions, against His word; BEFORE you decide to go it alone, and do whatever pleases you. Blessings, Angélique~

  • Expectations Of Others

    Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices! Psalm 37:7 (ESV) As human beings we all expect people to act a certain way. Whether it’s family members, friends, a boss, coworkers, fellow students, church members, and/or the pastoral staff, etc. Truth be told, most of our expectations of others, are based on our beliefs and our backgrounds. In talking with a friend the other day, she mentioned the hard time she was having with an adult family member. How they were making choices that she felt was not in their best interest. She shared her concerns and voiced what she felt they should be doing with their lives. She was becoming so emotionally attached and involved, she became physically upset; because they were not acting and responding, the way she felt they should. What I shared with her was this, when it comes to adults, be it family or others outside of the family, you cannot control their decisions, what they choose to do. It is not up to you to control the path they take in life. Depending on the relationship you have with these individuals, you can try to speak to them, give them your opinion/concerns, and share God’s wisdom with them. But ultimately, what they decide to do is their decision. There is no need for you to concern yourself to the point of being upset and physically distraught because of their choices. Now, in reality, we are human and there will be times, especially if it is a close family member, the choices they make can cause your heart to break. But ultimately, we have to give them, and their decisions over to God. If God Himself is not going to force His children to do what is right, who are we to force them? I have written in the past that all of us are given free will/free choice. There may be times as an older/wiser person, you can see the pitfalls ahead. But unfortunately for some, it is necessary for them to fall, in order for God to pick them up, and show them the way they must go. And even then, He can only do this it if they are willing to listen and request His help. He will not force anyone to do what they should do. We all need to train ourselves to not have certain expectations of individuals, whether it is family members, friends, coworkers, etc. We need to learn to love them where they are and to give them the opportunity to figure life out on their own. We also need to not allow ourselves to be upset about their choices. Now at times, their decisions might cross your path and affect you. When that time comes, you then must step in to take care of the situation, as far as it relates to you. But unless it is directly affecting you, learn to back away, pray, and just let God handle it. Blessings, Angélique~

  • True Freedom

    “It is absolutely clear that God has called you to a free life. Just make sure that you don’t use this freedom as an excuse to do whatever you want to do and destroy your freedom. Rather, use your freedom to serve one another in love; that’s how freedom grows. For everything we know about God’s Word is summed up in a single sentence: Love others as you love yourself. That’s an act of true freedom.” Galatians 5:13-14 The Message Bible Have you ever stopped to think what an awesome privilege God has entrusted to all, in giving us His world and His people? He has given us dominion over this world and access to His children. Whether His children are different colors, shapes, sizes, economic status, religious preferences, etc. He has allowed us all free access to interact with one another. He has also created this world, from the sky to the deepest parts of the ocean, and everything in between. He has created every human being that has ever lived or, who shall live. And with all of this, He has given His children dominion over His earthly creation, as well as access to His people. The true freedom God has given to all is that we can choose to behave as we see fit. We can choose to behave the way God wants with love, empathy/compassion, kindness, and self-control. Or we can choose the darker behaviors of jealousy, strife, envy, lying, manipulations, controlling behaviors, bullying, etc. To have the true freedom that God speaks of, we need to behave in a manner in which God would be pleased. To look to engage in behaviors that are fitting as His children. To treat His children, fellow human beings, our brothers and sisters, as you would treat yourself or a loving family member. In addition, to have Godly freedom of this world, we need to treat His planet with care, love, and respect. All of us need to do what we must to protect the environment; not just for ourselves or future generations, but because it is His world, and He expects it. So, what are you doing with the true freedom God has gifted to you? How are you positively impacting your interactions with His children, and with the world He has created. Blessings, Angélique~

  • We All Are Formed from Dust! No Pedestals!!

    “Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.” Genesis 2:7 (ESV) “By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust, you shall return.” Genesis 3:19 (ESV) This thought came to me when I was contemplating how most people look upon those who stand out for various reasons. Some are political figures. Others are entertainment, personalities, media, & sports figures. Still, there are others who are CEOs, doctors, lawyers, and wealthy individuals, either by their own means or by receiving an inheritance. For whatever the reason, we like to place these people on a pedestal and almost look to them as miniature gods. We may not say this to ourselves or out loud but, we do hold them in greater esteem, than the normal person you come in contact with, on a daily basis. And even closer to home, we may look at people in our churches, schools, and workplaces, who have high positions, as if they deserve to be lifted up and constantly praised. At times even within our families, we put one family member or several over the others, because of their various gifts and talents. However, as Christians believing in the Bible, has the thought ever occurred to you, we all come from dust? God formed every human being from the dust on the ground, and then breathe the breath of life into them. I am not looking to take away from the various gifts and talents that many people have been gifted with. I along with many, acknowledge and admire the God-given gifts and talents, He has bestowed on various individuals and not on the majority. However, in beholding these individuals, do we place them up on a pedestal? And in many instances, these same individuals will place themselves on a pedestal! In reality, we need to see them for who they are; human beings like you and me. They are God’s children and they too were formed from the dust on the ground. For whatever reasons we may come up with, we need not look upon them, as if they are better than everyone else. That they should be worshiped for their looks, talent, money, and/or position. We need to keep the focus and perspective that God, and He only should be worshiped. The one we should look upon and place on a pedestal would be His Son, Jesus. As we seek to get closer to God and listen, as well as follow His Holy word; then we will have a clearer understanding/perspective, as we look upon our fellow human beings. We will understand fully how in love, God formed each of us. We will know that out of the ground we were taken; for we are dust, and to dust, we all shall return. Blessings, Angélique~ #Dust

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