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  • Forgiveness

    Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.  Ephesians 4:32 ESV Have you been hurt by another's actions? Have you been betrayed by a loved one who you felt would be by your side always? And when you think about what they have done, and how they are not remorseful or asking for forgiveness, the hurt and betrayal you feel can be painful and intense. Many of us have heard a sermon preached or people talking about how one should seek forgiveness. But because of your state of shock, anger, hurt, betrayal, and pain, you just can’t seem to get to the point of forgiving this person. However, the advice given regarding forgiveness is true. Forgiveness is vital for us and our healthy state of well-being, it is not so much, for the person who wronged us.   When you seek to forgive another individual for the wrong, they’ve done, many are waiting to feel forgiveness towards the other person. But more often than not, forgiving another individual is not based on feelings, but based on making a decision, whether they deserve it or not. We have to remember that when seeking to make the choice to forgive someone, we are releasing ourselves from the bondage of anger, hurt, and bitterness, that can mentally, emotionally, and physically weigh a person down. Of course, it would be nice if the other person humbles themselves, repents, and asks to be forgiven. In that case, forgiveness could be a blessing and ease the pain for everyone involved.    We all have to realize we have choices in life. We can choose to forgive or, we can choose not to forgive. Either way, we are making a choice. God does not force this decision upon us. He gives us instruction and guidance on how to live our best life and it is up to us to choose. If we choose to forgive (again it is a decision, not a feeling), we will gain spiritual strength and peace from all the pain and anguish we’ve endured. Once, we have released this weight, we will begin to flourish and become stronger. Eventually, we can then share our testimony of how God has forgiven us and in turn, we have chosen to forgive others. Blessings, Angélique 💐 To contact:

  • Think You’re Superior?

    Judge not, that you be not judged.  Matthew 7:1 (ESV) There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?  James 4:1 (ESV) Do you ever feel you are superior to others? Do you find yourself looking down on those who have less finances, education, or social status? How about feeling superior because of your looks compared to theirs? Do you feel superior to others because of your race, ethnicity, as well as religious background? Or do you feel superior because of your life choices and lifestyle, that is different from theirs? Unfortunately, in the world in which we live, there are many people who feel they are superior to others for the various reasons above, as well as many others not listed. For example, because of a lack of money and social position, they look down on others who are not at their level or higher. They will belittle and negatively categorize individuals who don’t have the same or greater socioeconomic status that they possess. Then there are others who will look down on and belittle people because of the color of their skin. Even those who are wealthy and in a higher socioeconomic status because of their skin color, are still considered inferior to those who have less wealth but a different color skin. Beloved, God is not pleased with this type of attitude and behavior from His children. God made all of us different and gave us free will, and free choice. God did not want His children, (who are all sinners saved by the grace of Christ) to be judge and jury over each other. We are not to belittle or look down on someone because they are different.  In Psalm 96:13, it describes how God is the judge of the world, and that He will judge the world in righteousness and His faithfulness. We are called to be humble and to go and spread God’s messages of faith, hope, and love to the world. We are not called to be judge and jury of other people. We are not called to look down upon, belittle, or criticize others with our pious attitudes. May we focus on God’s word and on ourselves, so that we may become true followers of Christ and His teachings. May we treat God’s world and His people, the way Jesus Christ treated them when He walked this Earth. Blessings, Angélique 💐 To contact:

  • Our Idols

    Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry.  Colossians 3:5 (ESV) Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry.  1 Corinthians 10:14 (ESV) What do you consider to be an idol? Most think of statues made by man, a Talisman, or good luck charms that people worship, pray to, and/or pay some sort of homage to. But an idol can be any person, place, thing, or activity, that we focus the majority of our time and effort on consistently. It can be anything that we are addicted to and will find it hard to give up. For instance, an idol can be a house, a car, an unhealthy relationship with another person, or a string of various people. It could be an obsession with social media (this is a huge problem in the 21st century), television shows, movies, video gaming, objects such as jewelry, clothes, makeup/hairstyles, various hobbies, etc. Anything that one obsesses over, for an extended period of time, could be considered an idol in their life. The verses above in today’s reading are just two of many throughout the Bible that reference idolatry. God knows how idolatry can lead His children further and further away from having a healthy/balanced life, as well as having a strong relationship with Him. Of course, we all will have people in our lives, various extracurricular activities, hobbies, etc, that we will enjoy. However, they can become a problem (an idol), when we take the time spent on or with them, to an excessive level that is continuous and prolonged. And usually this type of obsession, will not lead to a good healthy life balance. My prayer would be for us to look at our lives and ask ourselves the question, “Do I have idols in my life?” And once it’s determined that we do, may we look to change our thought patterns and actions, to focus more on spending time with God and His precepts, as opposed to our worldly obsessions and idols. By seeking to daily abide by God’s word, we will in turn have a healthier outlook on life. Blessings, Angélique To contact:

  • Managing Our Anger

    Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; James 1:19 (ESV) For the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.  James 1:20 (ESV) We all get angry. As humans, it's unavoidable for us to not become angry during our lifetime. The question, however, is what actions will you take when you become angry and, how will you manage/control your anger when it occurs. In looking throughout the entire Bible, there are many passages or verses that describe anger, and how one should behave. Our Creator knows that when we are incited, we have the potential to unleash angry words as well as actions, as a result. So, before this happens, it is important now (especially while you’re in a calm mindset) to listen to and apply God’s word and His percepts to your life and, work on your spiritual growth and maturity. Is there a such thing as righteous anger? Yes, there is! The Bible speaks of it and Jesus in the Bible, as well as many others, exhibited righteous anger. They became upset regarding the wicked, sinful, and corrupt, status quo of society, that was all around them. In their anger, they made sure to share with those the error of their ways and what God‘s word says. There will be times, especially in this current 21st Century in which we live, when we must speak up due to the injustice that abounds all over the world. Being silent is not what God would have any of us do, when we have the ability to speak out against sinful, wicked, and corrupt behavior. As stated in Ephesians 4:26; “Be angry and do not sin”. One can be angry at sin and injustice and then seek to channel that anger into productive, Godly change. Getting angry over sinful, wicked, and unjust behavior, directed at ourselves or others, is normal. How we choose to respond, however, is the question. Blessings, Angélique To contact:

  • God Is The Reason For Our Victories...Not Us!

    For the Lord your God is he who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies, to give you the victory.’ Deuteronomy 20:4 (ESV) When you watch various sports on a media platform, and when an individual or a team wins, a lot of people will attribute the win to that individual or that team. As humans, we are quick to praise others whether it be sports, business deals, our looks, or overcoming illnesses, etc. But do we ever consider that truly in all victories, God is the one who should be praised? When certain individuals, teams, and/or groups excel, we know a lot of hard work, dedication, and ingenuity, played a key part in their success. But when you really seek to go deeper, you will see that all people and their abilities were created by God, and due to His divine intervention, winning victories are the result. Of course, not looking to take away from human efforts but, it’s strongly misplaced to think only human will and determination, are what bring about the various victories we see here on Earth. The Bible speaks through many verses throughout the Old and New Testament, where God worked numerous miracles and victories in the lives of His children. And in return, many of those who are mentioned in the Bible gave credit back to God for these blessings. And like they did in the days of old, we too should continue to give credit and praise to God for our many blessings, our victories. Now some may think, of course, everyone gives credit to God for various achievements and victories in life. But in actuality, not always. There are a lot of people (Christian believers and those who are not) who feel they are responsible for conquering a certain situation and/or achieving a victory. They may give surface platitudes to God, but deep down, they feel it was due to their hard work and tenacity that caused the outcome. May we never forget that the entire function of our bodies and their capabilities comes from our Father in Heaven. As we go forward in life, may we always give credit back to our Creator, the source of all life, for our small and great victories. Blessings, Angélique 💐 To contact:

  • My Biggest Enemy: The Inner Me!!

    It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.”  Matthew 15:11 (ESV) To put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.  Ephesians 4:22-24 (ESV) Our thoughts, what we say, and our actions, can cause damage to ourselves as well as others. Have you ever stopped to think that sometimes our biggest enemy, is what we think and say to ourselves? How we sometimes engage in activities that may not be good for our overall well-being? Of course, it’s our free will and choice to allow the negative thoughts to come in and linger. However, a lot of times, the negative thoughts can be amplified by Satan and his angels, hoping to destroy us internally and if left unchecked, externally as well. What are we allowing to be ingested in our minds and our thoughts? What we watch, what we read, and the activities we get involved in, can all influence us if we’re not careful. Of course, not saying we cannot enjoy reading, watching television and/or movies, playing various games, etc. The problem is not doing these things but the content of what we are consuming. The types of books, media, games, etc., that we are ingesting on a consistent basis, can cause problems to our inner well-being. In addition to the above, we also need to be aware of who we allow to be a part of our inner circle and their influence in our lives. Becoming close with others can greatly influence what we think, say, and do. That is why it is so important to allow the right individuals into your inner circle. Do not allow constantly negative, toxic, or dangerous people to develop a close bond with you. It might be easy to say you will not but, at times we can be lured in by a new and exciting relationship, or bought with expensive gifts/trips, and the list can go on and on. One must be on guard against any negative thoughts or people, that can be influential. The sure way to do this is to study God’s word and follow His truths and His precepts. In doing this, you will know what is good and acceptable, and what is contrary to His word. In addition, seek to develop complete faith/trust in God, so that no matter what comes your way, you will not allow your “inner me” to develop a negative mindset. Let us not allow our “inner me” to be our biggest enemy! Blessings, Angélique 💐 To contact:

  • Two Messengers: One Obedient, One Not

    And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.”  Isaiah 6:8 (ESV) In the Bible, from both the Old and New Testaments, there were two women who longed to have a child but were well past the age of childbearing. God came to them and their husbands and said they would give birth to sons. They were told their sons were to be set apart for God from birth, and they were given specific instructions on how they were to be raised. From the moment they were born, God placed a special anointing on them as well as His spirit, for their roles in His Kingdom on Earth. One of these sons, from the Old Testament, was named Sampson. The other was referred to as John the Baptist, whose story was chronicled in the New Testament. Sampson was given great strength and power and was to use the gifts God had given him, to be the appointed Judge over God’s people in Israel. Unfortunately, Sampson chose to gratify his fleshly desires and did not place a focus on being God's messenger. He judged Israel for 20 years but, he made a lot of decisions because of his passions and his lust and did not seek to follow God wholeheartedly. Eventually, his desires led him to fall in love with a woman who betrayed him. After this, the Spirit of God left him, along with his great strength for a period of time. Eventually, he came to his senses, and he asked God to give him strength one last time. He did this in order to set an example against the people who caused so much harm and destruction to God’s people. In the end, he was triumphant however, the totality of his story is there to show the choices a person should never make. Moving forward hundreds of years to the New Testament, there was a son born to another barren couple who was named John. In later years, he would be referred to as John the Baptist. He too was to be set apart and raised to be a messenger of the soon coming Savior. John more than likely had choices, as humans do: to follow God wholeheartedly or, to follow the world and our lust-filled desires. Unlike Samson, John chose to follow God wholeheartedly. And in so doing, John became the messenger preparing the way for Christ, the Savior of the world. We may think that our lives are not as spectacular as Sampson or John the Baptist. But we are wrong. Whether we are well known to the world or only known by a few, if we seek to use the gifts and talents God has given to uplift His kingdom, we are then living to please our Father in Heaven. Does that mean every second of the day we’re doing ministry? No. But if we are focused to walk with God daily, and to be His witnesses to the world in what we say and do, we will be living the life He ordained for us. Two messengers. Which one are you? Blessings, Angélique 💐 To contact:

  • Good Thoughts & Behavior

    What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.  Philippians 4:9 In the current state of our world, our communities, and even our families, it’s hard to not have a negative mindset or outlook on life.  But when we read Philippians 4:8, as well as various verses throughout the Bible, we understand as God’s children how He expects us to behave and interact with one another. In Philippians 4:8, God outlines how we should seek to think and behave, as we navigate life. The verse begins by stating to think about things that are true, honorable, and just. In this world where lies abound, as well as not behaving honorably, these words are very much needed. What God is essentially saying is clear, we need to be individuals who are truthful, honorable, and just in what we say and do, at all times. God further encourages us to be pure and lovely. This is not speaking about superficial beauty and looks. God is asking for us to have pure and lovely thoughts in our minds, our hearts, and our outlook towards others. Granted it's a little difficult in this world to maintain this when we see the ugliness that we encounter daily. But can you imagine, the type of world it would be if everyone adheres to God's word? If everyone has pure and lovely thoughts and actions toward each other? What a beautiful place this world would definitely be. Finally, God encourages us to be commendable, to look for excellence and anything worthy of praise, and to think about these things. Not just to think about but to exhibit these characteristics. We should strive to be commendable and to always seek excellence in anything we say and do. To be people who seek to give praises to others and especially to God, for His many blessings bestowed on us all daily. Despite all the competing voices and narratives being spun in this world that pull us away from God‘s word, may we daily seek to keep our thoughts on His precepts on how to navigate life. Only by doing so, will we inhabit the characteristics of being true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, showing excellence, and being praiseworthy. Blessings, Angélique 💐 To contact:

  • God Uses Evil Plans!

    As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.  Genesis 50:20 (ESV) There are countless stories in the Bible, where God uses the evil plans of His wayward children, to bring about positive and effectual change for the greater good.  One example is at the beginning of the Bible, the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. To rescue and restore humanity, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, had to devise a plan that would lead to the birth and death of Jesus, centuries later. In another example, God used the evil plans of Joseph’s brothers to bring about a plan that saved thousands of lives, many years later. In the story, Joseph’s brothers became jealous of him due to the favoritism their father lavished upon him. In addition to their father‘s constant praise and lifting Joseph before them, Joseph himself exhibited slight arrogance in the telling of his dreams and how all (his father included) would eventually bow down to him. Due to their rage boiling under the surface, they plotted to kill him if given the opportunity. But instead of killing him, they end up, selling him to traders that were bound for Egypt. After many years of suffering through slavery and prison, Joseph was eventually released and became the second most powerful man in Egypt. God took the evil plans of Joseph’s brothers and turned them around for good. In life, others can hatch their evil plans against us, but as followers and believers of our Almighty God, those plans can be turned around and used to bring about good. Of course, no one likes to be caught in evil plans that someone has devised. But God asks us to trust Him and to have faith that He will right the wrongs and bring about good not just for us, but for many others as well. May we trust and believe that God is the restorer and healer that can bring about positive changes, despite their evil origins. Blessings, Angélique 💐 To contact:

  • Everyone Has a Story

    Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.  Romans 12:12 (ESV) That you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, Philippians 2:15 (ESV) Have you come across individuals when you’re out running errands who cut you off in traffic or even while shopping? Their actions cause you to wonder, how can people be so mean, so rude? And depending on how they behave directly or indirectly towards you, may cause you to become extremely angry and lash out at them because of their behavior. But have you ever stopped to consider their story? To consider what is going on with them and what is causing their behavior? Not to say their behavior gets an excuse due to whatever is happening in their lives but, it does help one understand why a person behaves the way they do. There are those who’ve had significant hardships throughout their lives and yet when they encounter others, they’re loving, kind, and helpful, to the point that if you learned their story, you would be shocked based on their current actions. Then there are others who’ve also hard a hard time in life but, not nearly as bad as some, and yet they are extremely bitter and nasty to everyone they meet. We all will encounter down moments in life that we have to endure. However, that doesn’t give us the right to mistreat others and take our frustrations out on them. God calls for us to be His ambassadors to the world. When Jesus walked this Earth, he did not have an easy journey. During His time of ministry, I’m sure there were happy times but, due to living in this sin plagued world, He encountered a lot of difficulties. To maintain His composure and to be a witness, He continuously prayed and connected to God the Father in Heaven. By doing this, His response to the negativity was to heal and teach everyone how to live a Godly and a righteous life. And even now, God calls for each of us to do the same. No matter how another person behaves (you cannot control them), we must control how we are to respond. Sometimes by responding in love and kindness, the other person may instantly change their attitude. At other times, you may not see the change but, in time they could turn from their evil ways, and begin to see the world in a different light. Remember, everyone has a story, and we are in control of our actions, not theirs. May we seek to show kindness, love, and patience with others, despite how they treat us. May we proudly be God’s ambassadors and shine His light to the world. Blessings, Angélique 💐 To contact:

  • The Lord Cares for Me

    Answer my prayers oh Lord for your unfailing love is wonderful. Take care of me, but your mercy is plentiful. Psalm 69:16 (NLT) Even to your old age I am he, and to gray hairs I will carry you. I have made, and I will bear; I will carry and will save.   Isaiah 46:4 (ESV) As we transverse life, many of us may wonder from time to time if God really cares for us. We’ll ask the question, is He really going through life with us? We especially have this question come up when we’re dealing with challenges and difficulties in our lives. I think some people have the belief that once you become a Christian and put your faith in God, from that point on, you won’t have significant problems or burdens.  However, this is far from the truth. Everyone, whether they believe in God or not, will still have ups and downs as they go through life. The difference with our belief in God, His son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, is that we know the down periods in life, are just a moment in time. That God will be with us and will eventually bring us through to the other side. Now, there will be times when some who go through trials will fall asleep in Jesus.  Even though their life has ended, they, as well as their loved ones, have faith that they will live again on the Earth made new, at the resurrection of the righteous.  So, no matter what course our life will take, we must know and believe that God will be with us every step of the way. As the verses above have stated, as well as many others, throughout the Bible, God truly cares for His children. The entire Bible is His manuscript to us on how to live our best life and, how much love and sacrifice He has done in order for us to one day be with Him in paradise. An example of God‘s love is like loving parents here on Earth but, even deeper.  God's love for His children cannot truly be comprehended with our limited human minds. So, when you ask the question, does God care for me? The answer is yes!  He does now and will always! Blessings, Angélique 💐 To contact:

  • Waiting!!

    The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him.  Lamentations 3:25 (ESV) I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!  Psalm 27:13-14 (ESV) Waiting! It is one of the hardest things for all of us to do! We could be waiting to: finish school, for a relationship, for a job, for our paychecks/compensation, to retire from working a job, to go on a long-anticipated vacation, and the list can go on and on. Most of the time our waiting is self-focused. We’re waiting on things, people, or situations, that we want to obtain or to move/go in the direction we desire. And as we wait, many times we get antsy or impatient for the end result.  Unfortunately, due to our impatience, we’ll decide to take matters into our own hands and force certain situations in order to get what we want.  And many times, the result of doing this can create more problems than if we had originally waited on God to bless and lead us. Despite what we may feel, waiting is not all about us or our wants and desires. God, in His infinite wisdom, knows what we all need and in the time that we need it. And sometimes it’s not just fulfilling our needs, but as God looks at the bigger picture, He will seek to do things His way, and in His time. While we wait, we can take the time to grow and develop, as well as seek to further deepen our relationship with God.  As we grow in our faith and belief in Him, we will come to realize that trusting and waiting on God’s timing is not a “feeling” but a decision. There are many times we may not “feel” we can trust God to act as we would like but, we make a decision to trust anyway, despite how we feel. I heard a pastor recently speak about waiting and he said this: "If we learn to wait well, we will probably live life well"! There are so many people mentioned in the Bible that had to wait for their promised fulfillment: David to become king, Joseph to see his dreams come to fruition, Sarah to give birth to the promised child, etc. They waited and eventually saw God’s promises being fulfilled. So, as you wait for God to move in your life, seek to work on your personal growth and your relationship with Him.  Then in time, His plans for you will be revealed. Blessings, Angélique 💐 To contact:

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